Elaine A


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Hat Doffer
GoodGym Runner


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Elaine A
Elaine A been cheered 10 times. 🥳

Wednesday 10th January

Hat Doffer

Hat Doffer

Elaine A been cheered 10 times.

Goodgymers have noticed what Elaine has done and have cheered them 10 times. We doff out caps to you Elaine.

Elaine A
Elaine A went on a group run

Wed 10th Jan at 6:45pm

Scoring a Blue-tiful Goal!

Luton Report written by David Mansfield

A hardy team gathered on this frosty night to make their way to the task for the evening, painting at the 61 Football Club.

We made our way along the busway under a starry sky, breath mist illuminated by head torches all the way as we kept moving to keep warm.

Soon we arrived at the nice warm clubhouse where Cliff and Richard had set out all the kit for the evening so everyone could get involved right on arrival. With seven brushes and rollers on the go, the paint went on the walls rapidly and the task was completed in no time at all, leaving us time for a nice stretching session.

With muscles feeling looser the team bravely set off into the cold dark night once again for the return journey before hot showers!

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Elaine A
Elaine A signed up to a group run.

Wed 10th Jan at 6:45pm

David MansfieldGill
Elaine A
Elaine A has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🎉

Wednesday 3rd January

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Elaine A has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Elaine is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

GillDani CB
Elaine A
Elaine A went on a group run

Wed 3rd Jan at 6:45pm

Logging the Limelight

Luton Report written by David Mansfield

we had an excellent turnout for the first Group Run of 2024, with 12 people in total including newbie Elaine and Hayley who has done a few Community Missions but this was her first Group Run. Both of them did really well so send them your cheers!

Our run took us out along Old Bedford Road to Bradgers Hill, where a lot of work has taken place over the last two years to restore this nature reserve and ancient archaeological site to something more like it would have been. It's been gradually transformed from overgrown scrubland to open lightly wooded grassland, including plenty of help from GoodGym along the way!

Our task this time was to drag out and relocate a load of logs and branches which had been dumped by the entrance to the hillside. Duncan took the lead dragging bits out of the pile and the rest of the team formed a torch lit parade from the dumping site to the burning site a fair walk around the hill.

Thanks to Gill and Dani for taking turns being back markers and ensuring that the walkers didn't get left behind!

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GillDani CB

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Jack Da Silva

Wed 10th Jan at 4:16pm

Great work all!

Elaine A
Elaine A signed up to a group run.

Wed 3rd Jan at 6:45pm

Moving Logs on Bradger's Hill

Looking after Luton's green spaces

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Dani CBDuncan