Matthew Tipler


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Matthew Tipler
Matthew Tipler went on a group run

Mon 22nd Jul at 6:45pm

Fly Chipping

Lewisham Report written by Kim Parker

Unlucky for some but not us, 13 GoodGymers gathered outside Glass Mill ready to tackle the hills to help the garden team at Seniors.

We skipped the warm up this week in favour for a steady run as a group to Seniors as it's a bit of a longer run and I'd spent too long chatting as usual!

At Senior's, Alice had a big list for us to get through which included: - watering the plants - admiring the plants in the poly tunnel after we did some hot bedding - clearing the weeds that were growing through the cracks in the building - planting tomato plants - covering the stems of the tomato plants with vaseline to protect from slugs - moving the fly tipped woodchip from the front of the building to near the poly tunnel

Anyone who wasn't there and happens to think "who would fly tip woodchip". It's the same question we thought and the same question the gardening team at Senior's though. Next time, a little request that they fly tip in a more convenient location for the gardening team. Luckily for us, it was a good workout moving it in wheelbarrows.

Most of us frequented the local drinking establishment whilst the rest of the group tackled the hills back to Glass Mill.

Big cheers for Khai who completed his longest run yet!! Amazing effort especially on those hills. We'll make sure next weeks group run is a short and flat actually is!

We have a brand new group run next week to The Ladywell Unit to help in their garden. It's around 1km there so 2km in total.

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Rachel Henry

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Julian Osman

Tue 23rd Jul at 9:02pm

Fly tipped wood chip seems to be a tongue twister

Matthew Tipler
Matthew Tipler signed up to a party.

Mon 22nd Jul at 8:30pm

Post-group run social

Celebrate our recent achievements

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Matthew Tipler
Matthew Tipler signed up to a group run.

Mon 22nd Jul at 6:45pm

Help our friends at Seniors

Do good in our wonderful borough

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Kim Parker
Matthew Tipler
Matthew Tipler went on a group run

Mon 8th Jul at 6:45pm

3110 good deeds

Lewisham Report written by Kim Parker

I was trying to think of a good pun to celebrate Vic's 450th good deed and Marta's 750th good deed but without the regular pun creator in attendance, I ended up looking at how many good deeds those in attendance last night have done in total and that is a massive 3110* good deeds.

That's such a huge difference we've made in the Borough of Lewisham, from the new faces to the regular faces - you're all amazing!

Back to the task in hand, we were heading to Florence Green to help clear the weeds from around the young trees. The trees that we helped plant! The team got stuck in and tackled all the beds that needed clearing, hopefully that means the saplings will have the best chance of surviving over summer (if summer ever arrives).

It was nearly time to tuck into the celebratory biscuits that Vic had brought but I made everyone hang on a little longer whilst we completed the fiddly task of removing the rabbit shields from the trees and then tying the saplings to the canes in a figure of eight. We even managed to find 2 giant caterpillars. And then it was time for celebratory biscuits!

A short run back to Glass Mill and enough time for a cool down and chat about the task this eve and upcoming group runs.

*stats in case anyone is interested: Marta: 750 Vic: 450 Steve: 560 Kim: 389 Alison: 59 Andy: 2 Darryl: 157 Iitmari: 112 Janet: 2 Julian: 525 Matt: 77 Abi: 27

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Rachel Henry
Matthew Tipler
Matthew Tipler signed up to a group run.

Mon 8th Jul at 6:45pm

Help shift the bark at Florence Green

Improve the biodiversity in the area

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Matthew Tipler
Matthew Tipler went on a group run

Mon 24th Jun at 6:45pm


Lewisham Report written by Kim Parker

Monday was a very warm evening and a fantastic 15 GoodGymers braved the heat to help clear Luxmore Gardens of pesky weeds that take over all the plants in the garden. Luckily it was a short run up the hill to Luxmore Gardens and armed with water (due to the lack of working water fountains in the borough) we were there in no time.

As always there were lots of weeds that needed to be removed. We think a group might've been there before us as there were piles of weeds left lying around - BadGym maybe? Once we were done with our weeding, we of course took all our weeds over to the compost pile.

On Monday we are heading to PNK Garden so if you don't fancy the longer run then feel free to meet us there!

This run report is better late than never as today I noticed the water fountains are switched on again!! But let's keep having water with us in case Lewisham Council don't pay the Thames Water bill or something!

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Rachel HenryOlivia Waller

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Jacqueline Francis

Sat 29th Jun at 6:36pm

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Jacqueline Francis

Sat 29th Jun at 6:39pm

"BadGym" 😂 Lovely photos!

Matthew Tipler
Matthew Tipler signed up to a group run.

Mon 24th Jun at 6:45pm

Kim Parker
Matthew Tipler
Matthew Tipler went on a group run

Mon 10th Jun at 6:45pm

More weeds than you PNK

Lewisham Report written by Kim Parker

This week is Great Big Green Week which is the UK's biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. It was only right that we popped to one of our regular community garden haunts - PNK Garden. It's an oasis of calm alongside a very busy main road.

The task for the evening was quite simple: pull up as many weeds as possible.

We split into groups across the garden and started tackling the weeds. As it's a longer run (well done team), we only had around 30 min at the task but many hands make light work and the garden was completely transformed by the time we left.

We were also treated to chocolate cake (thanks PNK) to fuel us all the way back to Glass Mill.

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Rachel Henry
Matthew Tipler
Matthew Tipler signed up to a group run.

Mon 10th Jun at 6:45pm

Matthew Tipler
Matthew Tipler signed up to a party.

Fri 14th Jun at 7:00pm

GoodGym Lewisham do bowling

Have fun and score a couple of strikes!

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