Linda Gatley


Carbon conscious communicator who wants to help change the world. Loves cycling and walking, preferably near water.


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Gardening for Mr R (wk2) (flexi)
๐Ÿ—“Today 2:00pm

Mr R has cancer, ongoing chemotherapy treatment, and Mr R would really enjoy their garden again, unable to complete gardening due to great symptoms associated with the disease and treatment.

Linda Gatley
One GoodGymer is going - no space left ๐Ÿ˜ข
Latest activity
Linda Gatley
Linda Gatley went on a community mission

Thu 25th Jul at 7:00pm

Tending 800 tiny miracles

Lewisham Report written by Linda Gatley

Always a giant pleasure to help tend Ladywellโ€™s Tiny Forest, especially now the miraculous results of the Miyawaki method of planting are becoming clearer with each month of leafy growth. Thanks to deep decompaction of the soil and dense planting, native saplings that were just slender stems last May are today up to 3 metres tall! Regular weeding is an important task to ensure the 800 trees continue to get the light and nutrients they need to flourish throughout the growing season, so GoodGymers Kim, Khai and Linda joined the community treekeepers for an evening session of cheerful chopping, tidying and bindweed untangling to keep the forest in top condition. Excellent work everyone!

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Linda Gatley
Linda Gatley signed up to a mission.

Sat 27th Jul at 2:00pm

Gardening for Mr R (wk2) (flexi)

Mr R has cancer, ongoing chemotherapy treatment, and Mr R would really enjoy their garden again, unable to complete gardening due to great symptoms associated with the disease and treatment.

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Linda Gatley
Linda Gatley signed up to a community mission.

Thu 25th Jul at 7:00pm

Weeding the not-so-Tiny Forest in Ladywell

Help 800 thriving saplings grow even taller

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Linda Gatley
Linda Gatley went on a group run

Mon 22nd Jul at 7:00pm

Weed don't need no hedgucation

Bromley Report written by Cat

Well it was an hedgucation for me tonight as it was my first time leading a group run without Mark's supervision but luckily I had 12 awesome GoodGymmers to rely on for moral support. After a run down of our favourite ice creams (why do other countries always have cooler flavours than the UK?!) we made our way to Alexandra Recreation Ground to meet Linda and the other Friends of the Parks volunteers.

Big shout out to Hannah for leading the walking group, Stephen for backmarking the runners and Jing who was attending her first session and bravely accepted the challenge of running the long way round up the hill to the task!

Once we got to the park, Gill and Linda had us pulling out weeds that were diverting nutrients from the hedge saplings planted earlier in the year. Many hands made light work of this task and we had cleared most of the bed within 40 minutes before taking the shorter route back to the Bridge House for some post-run stretches.

Nice work team!

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Kim Parker

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Linda Gatley

Tue 23rd Jul at 10:18am


Linda Gatley
Linda Gatley went on a community mission

Sun 21st Jul at 1:10pm

Ready, steady... gazebo!

Bromley Report written by Linda Gatley

It was all go in Alexandra recreation ground ahead of the Music in the Park event as, with lightening speed, we worked to set up five gazebos, then arranged tables, chairs and ingredients for the Pimms and homemade cakes stalls. Our cheerful GoodGym team joined in alongside volunteers from the Friends group, soaking up the summer vibe and putting into use some excellent fruit chopping skills! The event was a resounding success, raising ยฃ1100 which will help with projects to care for and improve this popular green space.

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Sam Lefevre
Mark Gilyead
Linda Gatley
Linda Gatley signed up to a community mission.

Sun 21st Jul at 1:10pm

Music In The Park // Setting up gazebos

Helping out at this lovely community event

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Linda Gatley
Linda Gatley been cheered 1000 times. ๐ŸŽ‰

Saturday 20th July



Linda Gatley been cheered 1000 times.

Linda is extraordinary; they've received 1000 cheers. That's some serious noise and some serious support. Linda is an apostle.

Sam Lefevre
Linda Gatley
Linda Gatley signed up to a group run.

Mon 12th Aug at 7:00pm

Mark Gilyead
