Laura Waller


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Laura Waller
Laura Waller went to a social

Sat 29th Jun at 8:45am

A winning breakfast

Liverpool Report written by Sallyann Hardwick

This get together was an opportunity to celebrate our Amazing Area Activator Ema. Only the night before Ema had been succesful in winning the Merseyside Women Making a Difference award in recognition of her amazing work Ema is choir manager of Choir With No Name Liverpool as well as our Area Activator. Well done Ema I know everyone who knows Ema knows what a difference she does make but its fantastic she has had the recognition for this. Ema dutifully bought her award along for us to see. Its lovely unfortunately the photo i took of Ema holding it doesnt show it as its a beautiful glass award.... note to self leave photography to anyone else but me.

Well done to David Bekah Julie and Vikky on running the parkrun before breakfast in what started out as a bit of a drizzly grey day. Each and everyone finished with a smile and still looking fresh. I know this as I was handing out finishing tokens under the mentorship of Eileen who is a member of the core team at princes parkrun -team token... this week had an international flair as we tried to say well done in as many different languages as we knew (or were taught as the morning went on) Team scanners today included the family duo Roz and Jo both part of the furniture at parkrun as both have run so many all over the place as well as volunteering at both parkrun and junior parkrun.

The wonderful thing about our parkrun get togethers is that people can pop in and out of the morning it really is a smorgasbord of a social it was so good that both Liam and Ellie were able to take time out of their busy schedules to celebrate Ema's achievement and catch up with everyone and lastly but in no means least it was so wonderful to see Laura who we figured would be the last time we saw her for a little while as she will have her hands full and her time occupied very soon.... (her gorgeous baby was born the very next day 💕).

This truly was a winning breakfast.

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Ema Quinn

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Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her)

Sun 7th Jul at 6:25pm

Ahhh, a fabulous day it was too xx

Laura Waller
Laura Waller signed up to a party.

Sat 29th Jun at 8:45am

GoodGym Liverpool Does parkrun! (Princes Park)

Taking part in the phenomenon that is parkrun in GoodGym team spirit and enjoying breakfast together afterwards!

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Dave WhiteEma Quinn
Laura Waller
Laura Waller went on a community mission

Fri 24th May at 7:30pm

Ema Quinn
Laura Waller
Laura Waller signed up to a community mission.

Fri 24th May at 7:30pm

Ema Quinn
Laura Waller
Laura Waller signed up to a group run.

Mon 10th Jun at 6:30pm

Pauline HarrisonEma Quinn
Laura Waller
Laura Waller signed up to a group run.

Mon 27th May at 6:30pm

Helping Out at Liverpool Sunflowers

Improving spaces for people living with cancer

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Pauline HarrisonEma Quinn
Laura Waller
Laura Waller went on a group run

Mon 29th Apr at 6:30pm

Rain doesn't stop GoodGym play!!

Liverpool Report written by Ema Quinn (She/her)

It turns out painting fences in the rain was never going to be a good idea! As we all began to arrive the heavens opened and we made a very quick decision to change the plan, luckily Ema had a feeling this would happen and had brought along the litter picking kits as a plan B!

It was such a down pour that we all agreed a speedy litterpick of the area would be best then home to get warm and dry!

We spread out in both directions of Mulgrave Steet and in 40 minutes 8 of us collected 7 full bags of litter. Soaking wet but satisfied with a job well done we all rushed off home. There's nothing like getting home and putting warm dry pj's on knowing you've done something good for the evening and made a difference. And it was lovely to see the flowers in the community garden loving the rain while we worked.

A huge well done to Vikky for completing her 5th session!

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Pauline HarrisonEma Quinn
