Kubilay Kara


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Helping historical house and gardens (charity park) in North London.
🗓Tuesday 11th March 6:45pm

📍Phoenix Cinema N2 9PJ

Improving the environment and getting fit

George TtoouliPaul SalmanSubham BasuKubilay Kara
4 GoodGymers are going
Latest activity
Kubilay Kara
Kubilay Kara signed up to a group run.

Tue 11th Mar at 6:45pm

Kubilay Kara
Kubilay Kara went on a community mission

Fri 28th Feb at 8:00pm

The Great February rubbish run

Barnet Report written by Paul Salman

Ah, February. The month of love, pancakes, and, if you’re a GoodGymmer, the relentless pursuit of litter in all its sneaky, wind-blown, occasionally baffling forms.

First of all, a huge thank you to all the GoodGymmers who took part in the great rubbish run of February! Armed with grabbers, gloves, and an almost worrying enthusiasm for picking up other people’s discarded nonsense, we tackled the streets, beaches, and green spaces in our localities.

For my part, I took on the sprawling expanse of Chesil Beach on a stunningly sunny day. The kind of day that makes you forget winter is still clinging on and convinces you that shorts might be a reasonable life choice. (They weren’t.)

Now, I’ve done my fair share of litter picking, but this time, the sea had outdone itself. Instead of the usual crisp packets and stray bottles, it had thoughtfully washed up a perfectly straight line of rubbish across the middle of the beach. It was like nature’s very own lost-and-found department.

Among the treasure trove: • An unopened Coke can (A free drink? A scientific experiment? A trap? The mind boggles.) • A builder’s helmet (Presumably from a very confident or very unfortunate seafaring construction worker.) • A mystery plastic cup with foreign writing (Possibly the remains of a transatlantic snack run? We may never know.)

If rubbish could talk, these items would have some stories to tell. And honestly, I’d love to hear them.

A massive shoutout to Kubilay & his daughter Asya, who took to the streets with the kind of enthusiasm that gives you faith in the next generation. Nothing says quality bonding time like removing litter from the pavement. Kubilay, you’re raising a legend.

And a big thank you to Katie, who bravely tackled her local village, uncovering hidden trash troves and—most intriguingly—a set of fly-tipped cushions. Because nothing screams “I don’t need these anymore” quite like launching your old soft furnishings into a hedge.

and Mel who went on a solo plog in her local area and said 'Happy to get a bag full of litter!' there you are bagging happiness you can’t get much better than that!

Onwards to March!

We did good work this month, but the rubbish never sleeps. So if you fancy fresh air, unexpected discoveries, and the deeply satisfying smugness of knowing you’ve done your bit, sign up for the March litter pick.

Thanks again, everyone—see you out there, grabbers in hand!

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Kubilay Kara
Kubilay Kara went on a group run

Tue 25th Feb at 6:45pm

Where there's a Shepherds Hill, there's a way

Barnet Report written by George Ttoouli (he/him)

The days are getting longer and we'll soon be running sunsets, but the skies were clear for tonight's run to Shepherds Hill Garden and the stars out. Two of us set off from the Phoenix - Kubilay and George - and we picked up Lucinda along our steady 2.5km run.

We were met by Pat and Flora, two of the amazing custodians of the gardens, who handed out rakes, brooms, bags and a dustpan. We cleared leaves along the top path, nearby beds and benches to make the space safer and more attractive to visitors. Then we made our way down the hill to rake a grass bed that has been suffering from lack of light and too much leaf mulch.

With the leaves of our labour bagged and disposed off around the new dead hedges further down the slope, we then decamped to top, where Pat broke out the thermos and biscuits for a round of hot chocolate. We watched the stars and mused over whether that was Venus we could see up above (we're in the midst of a planetary phenomenon!) , before returning the tools to Pat's place.

Then the three of us walked Flora a short way home, before picking up our pace and trekking back home ourselves, safe in the knowledge we'd leafed no path unswept.

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Paul Salman

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Paul Salman

Wed 26th Feb at 7:52am

You lot are the stars! Sorry to miss out on the hot chocolate as well!

Paul Salman

Wed 26th Feb at 5:08pm

Pat just sent me a text to thank you for your hard work!

Kubilay Kara
Kubilay Kara signed up to a group run.

Tue 25th Feb at 6:45pm

Helping a green space in Highgate

Encourage an assist volunteers who keep a community Green Space.

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Kubilay Kara
Kubilay Kara signed up to a community mission.

Fri 28th Feb at 8:00pm

Kubilay Kara
Kubilay Kara went on a mission

Wed 19th Feb at 12:00pm

A Prune-nited effort to tidy Mrs J's garden

Barnet Report written by George Ttoouli (he/him)

Three Goodgymmers came together for an afternoon blitz, fig-guratively speaking, to help tidy up a much-loved garden.

We quickly got down to bush-ness. Together, we rearranged pots, bricks and a table to help make the space easier to navigate. Kubilay and George set to pruning the fig tree, and then took af-fern-ative action on the shrubs around the back garden, clearing the old growth to make way for spring. Kubilay then gave the witch hazel a trim, while Daniel used his height advantage with the loppers to reach the high branches of a tree out front, creating more light for the house.

Mrs J said it was genuinely life-changing to be able to sit and enjoy the garden without worrying about all the jobs she couldn't do any more. It was great to see the fruits of our labour have such an immediate impact!

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Paul SalmanSuzanne Vost
Dave M

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Daniel Mermelstein

Wed 19th Feb at 5:54pm

Great effort everyone!

Bristol runner

Fri 21st Feb at 5:18pm

This is fab! Well done all!

Kubilay Kara
Kubilay Kara signed up to a mission.

Wed 19th Feb at 12:00pm

Pruning, planting and pot moving for Mrs J (flexi) (wk1)

Mrs J would like to be able to enjoy her garden, but due to physical health is unable to complete this herself

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George Ttoouli
Kubilay Kara
Kubilay Kara signed up to a group run.

Tue 18th Mar at 6:45pm

George Ttoouli
