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Phil completed 5 good deeds with GoodGym. 🥇

Wednesday 4th September

High 5

High 5

Phil completed 5 good deeds with GoodGym.

Phil is a now a pretty committed GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the fifth time

Phil went on a group run

Tue 3rd Sep at 6:45pm

The Not-So-Run Run: A Tale of Two Runners and a Park Meet-Up

Barnet Report written by Paul Salman

In the annals of Good Gym history, last night’s gathering will likely stand out as one of those delightfully peculiar events where the unexpected becomes the norm. It was a Group Run, you see, except for the small matter that we didn’t actually run as a group. But, as with all things in life, it’s the little surprises that keep us on our toes—metaphorically speaking, of course.

The evening began with a plan: meet at the park, do some good, get a run in. Simple enough, you’d think. But as the day unfolded, a collective decision was made: Why run when you can meet directly at the destination? Perhaps it was the distance to the park, perhaps it was the lure of a more leisurely approach to our community efforts. Whatever the reason, the running shoes stayed curiously clean for most of us.

However, not everyone succumbed to this unorthodox notion of a non-run. Enter Ashley and Rupesh, our heroes of the evening, who took it upon themselves to uphold the sacred tradition of the Group Run. With a spirit that could warm the coldest of hearts, they laced up, hit the pavement, and ran from their homes to meet us at the park. Their effort was nothing short of commendable, the kind of commitment that deserves a standing ovation—if not a medal.

The rest of us, on the other hand, chose a path of less resistance, assembling at the park like a slightly underwhelming flash mob. And what a lovely park it was! As we gathered, the air was filled with the cheerful chatter of comrades who had collectively decided that tonight, the run could take a backseat to the task at hand.

The evening’s mission was accomplished with all the usual Good Gym gusto, albeit without the cardio component we typically associate with these events. litter pickers. in hand, we tackled the task with the same enthusiasm we usually reserve for a good sprint. The work was done in record time, perhaps motivated by the thought of the comforting, stationary journey home.

As we wrapped up, there was a shared sense of achievement—though whether it was from the good deeds or the successful evasion of a run, it was hard to say. We parted ways, some walking, some catching a ride, and Ashley and Rupesh, well, they ran. Again. True legends of the night.

So there you have it: a Group Run where we mostly didn’t, a task completed with smiles all around, and a reminder that even when plans go awry, the spirit of Good Gym remains gloriously intact. And, in the end, isn’t that what it’s all about?

and also a big shout out to Ashley on her first goodGym event.

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Phil signed up to a group run.

Tue 3rd Sep at 6:45pm

Helping the Friends of Friary Park

Helping to keep the Park in good condition for the enjoyment of all.

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Phil went on a group run

Tue 27th Aug at 6:45pm

Goodgym Barnet Turning Over a New Leaf, One Weed at a Time

Barnet Report written by Paul Salman

The Chronicles of Cherry Tree Wood: A Heroic Tale of Weeds, Willpower, and Wonder

It was one of those rare, golden evenings that London occasionally produces just to make you feel guilty for all the times you've cursed the weather. The sky was a painter’s dream—blue with delicate strokes of white clouds, the kind that makes you think, "Perhaps, I should go for a run tonight." And so, this week's intrepid band of merry adventurers, otherwise known as the GoodGym crew, set off from the Phoenix Cinema on a downhill jaunt to Cherry Tree Wood, armed with determination, a vague sense of direction, and an enthusiastic but ultimately unhelpful pair of dogs.

The task at hand was noble: to rescue an overgrown orchard from the clutches of villainous weeds, a mission so vital that it would make any gardener weep with pride. The orchard, planted in 2020, was at the mercy of these pernicious plants, and its very survival—and future fruit-bearing potential—depended on our intervention. Leading this horticultural rescue operation was Roger, the indefatigable hero of Cherry Tree Wood, a man whose dedication to the local greenspaces is matched only by his ability to wield loppers with the precision of a brain surgeon.

Roger greeted us with the tools of our trade: rakes, loppers, and enough enthusiasm to power a small village. The team assembled—Philip, Ashley, Rupesh, Paul, and Kirsten—set to work like a well-oiled machine, or perhaps more accurately, a somewhat creaky, slightly rusty, but ultimately effective piece of gardening equipment. Ruslan, offering moral support, hovered on the periphery, contemplating whether the joys of weed-pulling were enough to tempt him into full participation. The dogs, meanwhile, contributed precisely nothing, apart from looking adorably confused and occasionally distracting curious passersby who no doubt wondered why a group of adults had chosen to spend a perfectly good evening doing battle with grass and weeds.

Note to self: next time, bring insect repellent or prepare to donate another pint of blood to the local wildlife. Despite the mosquitoes’ best efforts, we soldiered on, fueled by a potent mix of civic duty and the promise of a 10% discount at the Phoenix Cinema afterward.

As the weeds flew and the grass was tamed, a few locals stopped by to offer their thanks, which was both heartwarming and somewhat embarrassing, as we fumbled to explain that we were part of this wonderful thing called GoodGym. It’s a gym, but not in the sense that you’ll find rows of treadmills and the unmistakable scent of protein powder. No, this is the outdoors gym, where the world is your workout and your good deeds are the reps. “Dump the indoor gym,” I told them, perhaps a bit too eagerly. “Get outside and do some good!” They nodded politely, which I took as a sign that they were thoroughly convinced.

With our mission accomplished, and the orchard now freed from its weedy shackles, we took a moment to bask in our achievement, or at least catch our breath. There was even time for a bit of yoga on the main lawn, a gentle reminder that flexibility isn’t just important for weeding but also for the mental gymnastics required to justify coming out in the first place.

Finally, we made our way back to the Phoenix Cinema, where the promise of refreshment awaited. The 10% discount felt like a hard-won trophy, a small but appreciated token of thanks for our efforts. We raised our glasses—or perhaps more accurately, our discounted beverages—to Roger, the hero of Cherry Tree Wood, and to the GoodGym team, who once again proved that there’s no better way to spend an evening than making the world just a little bit better, one weed at a time.

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Phil signed up to a group run.

Tue 27th Aug at 6:45pm

Phil led a GoodGym walking session, leading others to the task to get more good done 🤩

Monday 19th August

Walk Leader

Walk Leader

Phil led a GoodGym walking session, leading others to the task to get more good done

Phil became a walk leader. Phil led the way for others to get fit by doing good.

Phil went on a training session

Tue 30th Jul at 9:55am

Goodgym Yoga

Barnet Report written by Paul Salman

A few GoodGym people came together to do some online yoga.

Details on how yoga improves vascular function, particularly through enhanced endothelial function, one of the key mechanisms by which yoga can help regulate blood pressure. The endothelium is the inner lining of blood vessels and plays a critical role in maintaining vascular health. Here’s a detailed look at the mechanisms involved:

Endothelial Function and Its Importance:

The endothelium regulates several important functions, including: - Vasodilation and Vasoconstriction: The ability of blood vessels to widen (vasodilate) or narrow (vasoconstrict) is crucial for maintaining blood pressure. - Blood Flow: Proper endothelial function ensures smooth and efficient blood flow, reducing strain on the heart. - Inflammation and Oxidative Stress: The endothelium helps control inflammation and oxidative stress within blood vessels, both of which can contribute to hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

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Phil signed up to a training session.

Tue 30th Jul at 9:55am

GG Online yoga with Paul Tuesday 9.55am

strengthen, stretch and relax the body

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Phil went on a group run

Tue 23rd Jul at 6:45pm

GoodGym Barnet enjoying a lovely hobby

Barnet Report written by Paul Salman

GoodGym Barnet gathered at the iconic Phoenix Cinema for an evening of running and community service at Highgate Woods.

We began with a warm-up under the golden hues of a beautiful summer evening, right outside the cinema. The run took us through the picturesque Cherry Tree Woods and up to the enchanting Highgate Woods, a remnant of the ancient woodlands that once covered this area, where traces of Roman activity have been discovered.

Upon arrival, we met Cindy, the enthusiastic Highgate Woods Ranger, at the Pavilion Café in the heart of the woods. Our task was to dismantle den structures and repurpose the wood to fence off areas for regrowth. Cindy, with her deep knowledge of the local wildlife, enriched our understanding of the woodland ecosystem. She shared exciting news about a nesting hobby, a small bird of prey, that had relocated to Highgate Woods from Queenwood. To protect the chicks, the area beneath their nesting tree was cordoned off.

Cindy also spoke about her recent experience with a wildlife hospital in Rickmansworth, which cared for a pair of orphaned hedgehogs. This highlighted the growing pressures on wildlife due to human encroachment.

Working beneath the canopy of ancient trees, we dismantled the wooden dens and fenced off an area being used as a shortcut by passersby. The serene surroundings, filled with bird calls and fresh, clean air, made the task a joy. To our delight, we completed the job swiftly and took a moment to enjoy some yoga under the trees.

As the evening drew to a close, we headed home, feeling accomplished and a bit more knowledgeable about our local woodland. It was a perfect way to spend a beautiful summer evening, blending fitness, nature, and community service. Join us next time at GoodGym Barnet to experience these magical moments and make a positive impact on our environment.

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Phil signed up to a group run.

Tue 23rd Jul at 6:45pm

Helping out at Highgate woods

Improve the environment in the woods of enjoyment of all.

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