

Active Wellbeing Officer based near Havant and Portsmouth


Good Deeds

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Community Cape
GoodGym Runner


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Joe (He/Him) went on a community mission

Mon 6th May at 10:30am

Clanfield copse

Portsmouth Report written by Joe (He/Him)

Clanfield Junior School needed a green fingered volunteer to help plant a few trees that had been obtained from the Woodland Trust.

65 whips, tree guards and supporting canes later and the copse was complete. Here hoping they settle in nicely and we haven't left it too late in the season.

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JaneJudy Knapp

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Judy Knapp

Mon 6th May at 6:41pm

Amazing Joe! Let us know if you need help with tasks like that in the future

Joe (He/Him)

Mon 6th May at 6:53pm

Will do Judy. Just getting the hang of it to be honest

Joe (He/Him) went on a community mission

Sat 4th May at 9:00am

Shifting Soil Saturday

Portsmouth Report written by Joe (He/Him)

A recent refurbishment of the play area at Eastoke on Hayling Island had a surplus of soil. Six bulk bags to be precise, which is about 5 tonnes if you must know (thanks for askin). With the help of a hired tipper and a group of volunteers for the grow it, cook it, eat it project we managed to get the soil piled up at stockheath lane allotment. The volunteers saw to it that one of the loads was spread at the plot. The rest is a deed for another day.

Probably still too soon to talk about the truck getting stuck for a period of time (stress levels up to eleven). Needless to say, with the help of the volunteers giving on collective push the truck was freed and I could stop panicking. Thanks for that one guys, you truly saved my bacon.

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Joe (He/Him) went on a community mission

Sat 27th Apr at 12:30pm

Grow it, cook it, eat it. Frame build phase 1

Portsmouth Report written by Joe (He/Him)

Having previously turned over the soil at the plot at Stockheath Lane in Havant. Today was the day to start building a frame to mark out smaller beds for easier crop management. I got halfway through then the weather turned. But never fear, I shall return and the grow it, cook it, eat it community project will have spuds a plenty in no time

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Judy Knapp

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Jen Stoneham

Sun 28th Apr at 7:30pm

Great work, Joe! Have you got a contact at Havant Food Partnership to see if we can arrange a group outing here? It looks like a super space.

Joe (He/Him) earned their community cape by completing their first community mission. 🎉

Saturday 20th April

Community Cape

Community Cape

Joe (He/Him) earned their community cape by completing their first community mission.

Joe completed a community mission. Instead of watching TV or lying in bed, Joe was out there making their community a better place to be. For making that choice they have earned the community cape.

Judy Knapp
Joe (He/Him) has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🥳

Saturday 20th April

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Joe (He/Him) has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Joe is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Joe (He/Him) went on a community mission

Sat 20th Apr at 10:00am

Bagging up at Baffins

Portsmouth Report written by Abby (she/her)

Four keen goodgymmers joined baffins pond association for their monthly litter pick on a sunny spring morning. A big GG welcome to Joe for his first good deed with goodgym. Lovely to meet you!

As usual at baffins there was copious cigarette butts to pick up around the pond and the squirrels were wild and the gave Joe a friendly 'hitchcock'-esque welcome to the woods.

We met Yvonne and Jane and headed into stag woods and found a treasure trove of litter as well as a rogue lonely boot on the way. After picking up all the cans and bottles and Joe scaling a tree to get some destroyed tarpaulin we headed back to the BPA to hand in our haul.

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Judy KnappJane
Joe (He/Him) signed up to a community mission.

Sat 20th Apr at 10:00am

Judy Knapp