0 Month Streak
1 Month Streak
Tue 3rd Sep at 7:45pm
Tue 12th Mar at 6:45pm
Ealing Report written by Sevan
After the earlier downpour, 5 GoodGymers met at Bodyline Studio for their group run to help HANGOT in Elthorne Park. They welcomed Ijo on her first group run, as well as Christos and Helene rejoining us after shorter breaks. In Hanwell, Bryon made a surprise appearance and, as the group walked towards the container past a group of scouts with head torches, there was a taller scout lurking behind them who turned out to be Milly!
With the super team of 8 complete, Sevan had to open the equipment container for the first time in the dark. No pressure 😅! Luckily or skillfully, he managed to open it to find only 3 wheelbarrows, which was a bit disappointing. The wheelbarrows, shovels and rakes were grabbed and a long, muddy walk to Osterley Lock began.
The team split between wood chip shovellers, barrowers and rakers. The wheelbarrows had to cross a bridge to get to the orchard which had a giant puddle on the far side. Different techniques were tried to keep shoes clean, but they mostly ended up wet and muddy by the end.
Madhan took charge of the shovelling station, Steph Ducat led the department of transport and Bryon directed incoming wheelbarrows towards the trees in need, helping Ijo with smoothing the mulch around the base of the trees. Apple, cherry, plum trees and more that we couldn't identify were given a thick layer of mulch, helping to keep them healthy through the spring.
Wed 13th Mar at 11:04am
Wow - great size of a group! Nicely done, everyone, and welcome to Ijo! 👋 I like a good Simon & Garfunkel pun! 🌉🌊 Thank you to Sevan for leading a tricky task. Btw Sevan received a comprehensive hands-on training on the container opening 😎 - although without simulating the night time conditions - so well done!
Sat 2nd Mar at 8:30am
Ealing Report written by Madhan
"It is raining cats and dogs" was a quote that's used quite often throughout the morning's task at Hanwell Church. I already made up my mind to have a shower under nature when I left the house this morning.
I saw Kash and Sevan running on the other side of the road when I was reaching the task location. I saw Sevan and Bryon discussing with Marion, the task owner near a notice board which has the map of the church and the list of charities that were attending today.
GoodGym Ealing welcomes back Bryon to Goodgyming who was last spotted at Jenny's 500th task a year back
We were helping out Ealing Animal Fair, which is a yearly event that happens at Hanwell Church. It was raining cats and dogs(goodies) inside the church as well.
Marion assigned us to an unloading task. We were looking for cars that entered the Church like a hawk and the following sentences were repeated many times.
Do you need help with unloading? Which charity you are from? Oh, that goes to the Main Hall. This one is to the Memorial Hall.
Luckily we spent more time indoors than outdoors, in the wet weather, as we only had to pick bags & things from cars which were parked right in front of the entrance till we unloaded.
Tom, who was a regular volunteer/relative of one of the charity members thanked us, as he said he was the only person helping with this unloading stuff from his childhood. He was glad that now they got GoodGym support and enjoyed his coffee.
Elephant plushies, cat quotes, dog tote bags, marmalades, donkey mugs, monkey figurines, and squirrel keychains were some of the items that filled the stalls of different animal charities.
30+ animal charities attended this event
The event starts at 10:30 am and we had pretty much finished unloading stuff of most charities by 10:00 am. Sevan then ran to Horsenden Hill to meet a few more GoodGymers for another community mission. Bryon, Kash, and I stayed for some more time to see if anyone needed any other help. Soon Kash left for Horsenden as well. Bryon and I got ourselves the free volunteering coffee and then had a tour of the event.
Sun 3rd Mar at 2:12pm
Great report Madhan! Thank you so much for finding and leading the task 😊
Sat 2nd Mar at 8:30am
It will be an enormous help to the organisers and stallholders.
Read moreTue 18th Apr 2023 at 6:45pm
Ealing Report written by Harvey Gallagher (he/him)
The orchard is a really nice space, away from the hustle and bustle of Ealing Broadway. It's well used by young people and the community. Tonight we put our backs into transporting wood chip from outside the orchard, via shovels and wheelbarrows, into the space to help dry up the muddy patches.
This was a special space for a special occasion - the celebration of Jenni's 500th good deed - yes, that's right, 500 good deeds! Jen is truly the Queen of GoodGym Ealing. And she was straight on the case ordering her crown-encrusted 500 GoodGym t-shirt.
But this was also a celebration tinged with some sadness. Jenni is moving out of the area. We can't tell you how much we'll miss her - she's one of our own. Timing her 500th good deed with her her leaving party was a logistical masterpiece for which we can only congratulate Jenni once again! She promised to visit soon and we'll hold her to that.
Tue 18th Apr 2023 at 6:45pm
Come for a short run/walk and a physical task to help a special space in the heart of Ealing
Read moreSat 1st Apr 2023 at 9:00am
Another record-breaking turnout from GoodGym at the Mill Hill Park litterpick! Having six GoodGymers was quite impressive, especially when the community mission collided with the parkrun start time! Some of us, on the way to Acton, met our GoodGym friends heading out to run or volunteer at the Gunnersbury parkrun.
We were wondering if there would be enough litter for all of us but Elisabeth from Acton Litter Collective was very happy with our numbers because many of the 9 am regulars were away that week. She brought us additional litterpickers, welcomed new joiners, and tried to remember all the names.
We split into pairs and headed out into Acton backstreets to search for more interesting finds than the ubiquitous cigarette butts. We came back with artifacts from our not so distant past, from school accessories to technology from late 20th century.
Notable findings: