Parvaaz Project

To improve service provision across the board for disabled children and their families, enhancing equality and opportunities for them
Provide bespoke care packages and support services to encourage independent living, enabling children and young adults with disabilities and complex needs to do things for themselves with the help of support workers or personal assistants.

61 GoodGymers have supported Parvaaz Project with 24 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
SloughGroup run
Manjit BirkPam Banga

Leaf it to GoodGym

Monday 4th December 2023

Written by Manjit Birk

What do you do when you need your outdoor space swept of leaves - you leaf it to GoodGym of course!

We love coming to Parvaaz Project to help with their outdoor space. They were our second ever task owner back in 2018 and we always try to come back to help them whenever we can.

With a very wet night, we wanted a good run at getting the task completed in good time. So we rolled up our s-leaf-s and got to work. We worked together as a team in the back garden first, making sure we all worked safely and with enough lights so we could see our way round. Luckily for us we had Pam as our 'Lady of the lamp' as at one point she had 3 lights on her giving us the light we needed.

All in all we collected 9 bags of wet leaves! What a re-leaf!

A short but sweet task tonight all completed in a super quick time.

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SloughGroup run
Manjit BirkDr Savi AroraAgnija CimoskaPam Banga

Come-Post and Worms

Monday 25th September 2023

Written by Slough runner

We certainly delivered tonight with 7 goodgymers at Parvaaz.

Met at Salt Hill with a few meeting at the task location, our task was sweeping up the leaves in the garden and car park area. Eva got straight to work sweeping us off our feet with her wonderful trips to Portugal. Eva the garden looks amazing.

Kam and Pam covered the alley way entrance weeding and clearing up the leaves, Agnieska helped to sweep one side of the car park whilst Mehdi and Hamid covered the other side.

Total of 12 bags WOW.

Eva kindly brought some treats for us all too.

Next week session we are back at St Mary's for more painting.

We look forward to seeing you all at our next task.

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SloughGroup run
Manjit BirkSandy Dhaliwal
Pam Banga

What O-Laf this evening

Monday 23rd January 2023

Written by Slough runner

4 runners met this evening at The Parvaaz Project,

Jen and Sutyee covered the area by the front entrance, plenty leaves to be swept up and branches. Sandy and Pam took the back garden, piling up all the twigs.

We covered the car park together and managed one bag of litter.

Thank you for your help this evening.

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SloughCommunity mission
Sandy DhaliwalAgnija CimoskaAbdulaziz EssePam BangaKam AtwalLauren Mc Elwaine

If you leaf me now… you’ll take away the biggest part of me

Monday 10th October 2022

Written by Manjit Birk

With a last minute change in tasks and some quick step thinking we bagged ourselves a garden tidy up task at Parvaaz thanks to run leader Sut Yee!

The beauty of GoodGym is that we are very adaptable! With the task owner needing to leave by 7:30pm we changed the session from a group run to a community mission giving us ample time to get the task done - what a real leaf!

So we arrived by 6:30pm and got straight to work.

Pam did a smashing job of filling the biggest black bag I’ve ever seen! But I always *be-leaf * in you Pam!

Kam again was on fire with her hoard - she did an unbe-leaf-able job!

Abdulaziz was loving his area tonight…we should all take a leaf out of his book!

Sutyee was (as always) getting stuck in here there and everywhere! I think she wanted us to leaf her alone so she could concentrate!

Lauren did a brilliant job in the back garden. She cleared the grass then got piles together for us in the front area! You grow girl!

Jean cracked on with the fence area and as always gave it 100% effort - she even got round all the parked up autumn-mobiles!

Whilst Sandy and I litter picked and helped where we were needed! We didn’t want to kale their vibe so we leaft them to it.

With the light going fast, we managed to finish the task just in thyme for a quick darts match! Sandy scored the highest!

Next week we are on our last allotments task of the year! With it being quite dark there I will most likely change the group run session to a community mission (make your own way to task) as we will have less daylight.

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SloughGroup run
Manjit BirkPam Banga
Sandy Dhaliwal

Leaf it out…

Tuesday 4th January 2022

Written by Manjit Birk

And just like that we've run into a New Year with exciting events ahead of us.

As per every January we have the January Challenge to look forward to in order to make our Motivation Monday's even more ... motivating!

This year we are tasked with completing 2000km and 80 Good Deeds! Best get those trainers on (hope my feet didn't put on any Christmas weight!).

We ended 2021 with having completed 1078 good deeds and over 11, 000 km's accomplished! But we are now 'out with the old and in with the New Year so let's smash this target and make 2022 our best year ever.

S'miles all round

Sut, Jean and I met at Sainsbury's in order to get a longer distance in (2 miles each way), and ran down to meet Pam and Sandy at The Activity Centre. We hadn't seen Jean in a few weeks and it was lovely to catch up with all the stories, which always leafs us with s'miles all round.

Our task tonight was to collect up all the leaves and fallen debris from the grounds at Parvaaz. The last time we did this task (in early December, we picked up over 15 bagfuls of leaves!). Could we beat this tonight? Let's see what happened..

The team tonight comprised off:

  • Sandy - Leaf it to me - Dhaliwal,

  • Sutyee - Leaf me alone - Pang,

  • Jean - I cannot be-leaf it - Watts,

  • Pam - I'm taking a leaf of faith - Banga,

  • Manjit - Take it or leaf it - Birk.

So good to see everyone happily digging into the task. We spent around 45 minutes scraping the leaves, creating little piles, bagging them then disposing the bags in the waste area ready to be composted (without the plastic bags of course!).

What a re-leaf to get it all done in time.

Thanks for coming along to our first session of are the listed tasks (more to be added soon)

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SloughGroup run
Manjit BirkEva Antao-BentoKam Atwal
Ricky Kloay

Think I better leaf right now before I fall any deeper

Monday 15th November 2021

Written by Manjit Birk

Great to be back out running a longer distance to a task. Tonight we decided to meet up at Sainsburys and after our task brief and warm up we ran 3.5km out through town to Parvaaz.

Could not be-leaf my eyes

The task was to do some leaf clearance from the front and back gardens. When I say 'some' I mean a lot!

Great to have Ricky back... as the 'tools' man he was straight on the leaf blower creating little piles. It sucks using equipment!

Jean was raking it in.. if only leaves were money... but sadly money doesnt grow on trees! (but leaves do!)

Kam was also back tonight after a little break - I always be-leafed she would come back!

Sutyee was on bag duty. We kept thinking.. 'this is the last bag' then low and behold another piles of leaves was found!

Forty minutes in we had collected 12 bags of leaves! Can you beleaf it!

Always enjoy our Parvaaz tasks. We will be back there on 3rd January!

Next week our task is in Salt Hill Park.

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