29 Month Streak
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📍11-12 Harrow Market SL3 8HJ
Help them sort out donations
Fri 18th Oct at 9:30am
Mon 9th Sep at 6:45pm
Slough Report written by Manjit Birk
We had to change the task this evening from a group run to a community mission as the allotments have no lighting and with it getting darker earlier (what's up with that!!!!! So not ready for the darker nights)... we needed the extra day time hours to do the task safely...
So we all made our own way to Cherry Orchard Allotments and got to work on plot 5 bed 4. Thankfully the soil was soft this time (last month is was rock hard!).
It was great to see the progress the task owner Home Start Slough have made on the plots..
We spent an hour chatting, digging, pulling the weeds and just catching up on life.
As the light faded we stopped and got ready to leave.
Next week we have a new task owner (Food Cycle Slough) who would like their new food service promotion so we will be delivering their flyers for them around Salt hill and Baylis area.