Colchester Foodbank

Feeding families and individuals who can not afford food.

83 GoodGymers have supported Colchester Foodbank with 68 tasks.

Top supporters

Upcoming sessions
Cleaning Colchester Foodbank, Stanway

Monday 29th July 2024 6:45pm - 8:30pm

Cleaning Colchester Foodbank, Stanway

Monday 26th August 2024 6:45pm - 8:30pm

Cleaning Colchester Foodbank, Stanway

Monday 30th September 2024 6:45pm - 8:30pm

Cleaning Colchester Foodbank, Stanway

Monday 28th October 2024 6:45pm - 8:30pm

Cleaning Colchester Foodbank, Stanway

Monday 25th November 2024 6:45pm - 8:30pm

Cleaning Colchester Foodbank, Stanway

Monday 16th December 2024 6:45pm - 8:30pm

Previous sessions
ColchesterGroup run
Lavinia SpurlingAndy TyneTavFrazerTiffany Jo Golding

Detour de Stanway

Monday 24th June

Written by Tav (he/him)

What is the cleanest work out in Colchester? A Monday night at the foodbank of course. Our monthly clean up was a warm one as we jogged purposefully to the Foodbank. The road closure meant there was a little less traffic, so whilst cars detoured, we strode on!

Frazer told us about his daughter beating him in a sprint finish at a Colour run event and we chatted away on World Wellbeing Week. The sun and warmth is a far cry from wet winters nights!

We managed a big effort of cleaning and left satisfied with our work!

Well done , next week Frazer will lead you to help Colchester in Bloom.

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ColchesterGroup run
FrazerAndy TyneDaisy

No Good Deed Goes Unpublished

Monday 27th May

Written by Tav (he/him)

Here at Goodgym we celebrate all good deeds with a little report and a cheer and of course a pun or something fun for a report title. But of course the ironic saying 'no good deed goes unpunished' is wildly inaccurate!

For Kerry and Daisy their second good deed (for Goodgym) was not quite a midnight clean up but hard work never lies and the results were conclusive as they made the front reception area as clean as they could.

Andy arrived on the bright breezy evening by bike with hi-vis in-case there was fog on the Tyne...whilst Frazer and Daisy enjoyed a sunbathe and chill moment before running down and then running up that hill.

At the Foodbank we swept, mopped, vacuumed and wiped and made sure we were safe and sound with wet floor signs and the presumptuous Danger! men at work sign.

A huge well done and remember nice guys do not finish last at Goodgym!

(how many song titles can you find!? It is not as easy as 1,2,3)

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ColchesterGroup run
TavSophie BrownFrazerTiffany Jo GoldingDeniseAndy Tyne

Harder, faster, cleaner, better

Monday 29th April

Written by Tav (he/him)

We made our way to our monthly Foodbank clean up in the evening sun to be met by a very young family of birds in the air-vent. The team got stuck in, giving the reception area a thorough clean and vacuum whilst the rest of us swept and mopped. Cleaning the foodbank is an ongoing and much needed task, with a physical element and lots of opportunity to chat and socialise too.

After a great effort a little bit of cake helped us on the way courtesy of Ella's baking skills!

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ColchesterGroup run
FrazerAnnabel KaySophie BrownTav

Scout and about with Goodgym Guides

Monday 25th March

Written by Tav (he/him)

Our first Monday task at the Foodbank in Stanway was shared with Girl Guides who were being shown around and were sorting packages. The three of us went about cleaning with the usual vigour. Speedy sweeping and a masterful display of mopping was a good workout to end a Monday on a high.

We hope the clocks springing forward and lighter evenings means Mondays become popular Goodgym evenings.

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ColchesterGroup run

Which way to the foodbank? Stanway...

Wednesday 28th February

Written by Tav (he/him)

Tonight Goodgym was all about a little training to test out injuries...and fingers crossed, we gained a little strength and helped rehabilitate!

Our task, unfortunately, was not to be but we made the most of the time with some running and chatting about how much Stanway has grown since the 1990s and looking forward to lighter evenings!

We will return to the Foodbank at the end of March.

If you are around this weekend, come for Parkrun/coffee at Castle Park.

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ColchesterGroup run
TavAnnabel KayFrazer

Top of the Mops!

Wednesday 31st January

Written by Tav (he/him)

This month Goodgym Colchester took on the January Challenge and ended on a high at Colchester Foodbank. The double motivation of good deeds and adding to the national total of kilometers ran, gave us an extra boost...but as Frazer said, it is good to say goodbye to a long, cold, dark month.

We swept, vacuumed and mopped the warehouse to music and debated whether 70000km would be reached this evening - regardless, over 4500 good deeds is a large impact.

Bring on on February!

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