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Group run

Why was the broom late? Because it Overswept!

11 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help their local community in Colchester.

  • Colchester runner
  • Angela Isherwood
  • Jade Jones
  • Michelle-Yoda Lewington
  • Tav
  • James Parks
  • Fay Sibley
  • Bob Thompson
  • Helen
  • Louise
  • Ella Jeffries
Wednesday, 8th of November 2017
Led by Angela Isherwood

We met at LeisureWorld full of excitement for on of our favourite tasks at the Colchester Foodbank. Numbers were a little light tonight; I'm not sure whether that was down to the cold, or if people just didn't want to see my return to the helm! But 11 awesome runners showed up for a cracking task.

Fay lead the way along Cowdray Avenue and down to Eastgates to meet the new Manager of Colchester Foodbank, and we got started with our task. As well as the usual cleaning, there was also a HUGE pile of carrier bags that we had to flatten; this was to save space. Each food parcel is given out in carrier bags - 3 for an individual or 6 for a family, so its important that the bags are strong enough to take the weight, and also that a person can realistically carry them to their transportation, which is likely to be a bus.

I gave a lot of time for this task, as it usually takes a while, but we discovered by getting Fay and Tav onto the mopping, it took about a quarter of the time it usually does. However, the bag folding was quite a task, and eventually everyone had to get onto that.

After a bit of tweeting, the foodbank released us into the night, and we made our merry way back to Leisure World.

As usual, a really fun task, and a heightened sense of that warm fuzzy feeling we get from helping out in our local community.

Report written by Angela Isherwood

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Litter Pick - keep Colchester tidy

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Tav

Mercury Theatre

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