

Well that's a wrap! And we gave them a good tib!

6 GoodGymers made their way to have an amazing time in Coventry.

  • Katherine
  • Laura Denham
  • Lilian
  • Susanne Foellmer
  • Graeme Papa Strumpf Mulvaney
  • James
Saturday, 11th of November 2023
Led by James

Saturday night life ! Goodgymers eating out Eiritrian style !

A great night sampling an Ethiopian and Eritian restaurant and doing our best to eat african style without knives and forks, which didn't last too long !!

Some very colourful and tasty dishes enjoyed by all thank you all for coming along !

Report written by James

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Joe Crean
Joe Crean
Tuesday November 14th, 2023 10:03

hi Laura the food looks delicious hopefully I can make it to next one how about we try a carrabien next time if someone could look into it I know there's a place at two tone centre in Ball hill jx

Joe Crean
Joe Crean
Wednesday November 15th, 2023 10:20

thanks for the cheer Laura 😀jx

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Sorting at Clothing Coventry

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Laura Denham
Coventry Boys and Girls Club

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