
Group run

Unscrew You!

7 GoodGymers made their way to help the The Community Hub in Haringey.

  • Sam Chapman
  • Sarah Moore
  • Euclides Montes
  • Dave Mansfield
  • Julie Fisher
  • Latoya Stephens
  • Veronika
Wednesday, 30th of August 2023
Led by Euclides Montes

7 screw-loose Goodgymmers ran to help the lovely folk at the Community Hub in Wood Green to un-Ikea and feng shui their office furniture


Busy running weekend coming up with the little matter of Julie's 100th Marathon (!) finally upon us, where she will be joined by Dave, Sam, and Louise (and in spirit by Niamh and Gramps as their spirits are the only thing working running-wise at the mo <3 ). We at GGH HQ are super proud of you, Julie, and think you are ace. Have wonderful race, you four.

And to all those running the lovely Big Half (too many of you so Gramps won't try to list you all in case he goes and misses someone ) but have a cracking day. And get your free drinks!

Heroes - we <3 you. Run well.

The Turn Of The Screw

The lovely folk at the Community Hub in Wood Green pressed the big red button marked Goodgym Haringey as they needed some help clearing up space at their offices, getting rid of some old office furniture that couldn't be found a new home after a lot of trying.

So, it was time for the old desks to go and have a rest at the big old desk heaven in the sky and we were the team asked to help them on their way. And that's what we did.

Screwdrivers in hand, our crew made light work of the furniture. You should've seen them. They dismantled that furniture like Gramps working his way through a pepperoni pizza - methodically and relentlessly. One by one, the desks and filing cabinets came apart and our Goodgymmers transported them to the basement floor where they went to make their peace with their maker.

After about 45 minutes, we had completed our task - the speed of our job not lost on the Hub's caretaker who was very impressed by our hustling.

As we said our goodbyes, there was only one topic of conversation floating around so let's finish this report by saying it again - SMASH IT THIS WEEKEND, TEAM. <3

Report written by Euclides Montes

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Thursday August 31st, 2023 17:09

Yes, smash it Julie and Co, and all those running The Big Half. GGH HQ love ya all. 😘

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GoodGym Haringey group fitness and task

Wednesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Euclides Montes
Blue House Yard

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