
Group run

Steps and Chips

12 GoodGymers made their way 4.5km to help the Nomadic Gardens in Newham.

  • Paul Cornick
  • Rosa
  • Hilary
  • Siobhan Freel
  • Sharon
  • Kevin Prince
  • York runner
  • Simon Hempenstall
  • Miriam
  • Matthew Lacey
  • Gualtiero Uslenghi
  • Sarah Cammarata
Wednesday, 22nd of March 2023
Led by Sharon

Tonights run was the first of few Brahma free runs for the team as he takes some time of following the birth of his son......Congratulations to Brahma and Dev

Hilary had a plan for a new route....taking us through the Olympic Park.

Rosa,Louise,Miriam who joined us for her first session for a couple of years,it was great to have her back and Sarah met us at the gardens where we were all greeted by Jim.

We split into two groups

They are in the process of installing a sauna and plunge pool so need wood chip moving to make the walk way more user friendly was the job for group one. Were we moved over 100 wheelbarrows of wood chip.

Group two had the task of adding steps to one of the earth mounds.

The Lighthouse Garden

Report written by Sharon

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Led by Sharon

GoodGym Newham Mum 😊

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Matthew Lacey
    • Kevin Prince

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Emanuel Parish Church

Wednesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Brahma Pochee
PrintHouse Bar, 133 High St

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