
Group run

Spooky GoodGym!

4 GoodGymers made their way 4.5km to help the Jewellery Quarter Development Trust in Birmingham.

  • James Morris
  • Miriam
  • Eve Edwards
  • Gabriel
Tuesday, 31st of October 2023
Led by Miriam

I couldn't think of a pun but loving the term "Spooky GoodGym" so that's what it had to be!

We met up at 1000 Trades and walked down to the cemetery for their spooky Halloween event. Gabriel was walking so we left him to a spooky tour of the catecombs while James, Eve and myself headed out on a 4km run round town.

When we got back it was time to help put away tables, lights and gazebos. It was great there was 4 of us as we were able to take a corner each, and with team work put them away quickly before helping to carry them back to the JQ bid office.

A great task! Next year we should carve our own GG pumpkin!

Report written by Miriam

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Led by Miriam

Running for my mental health, my fitness and to meet the amazing people who make Birmingham great!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Gabriel

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Leafleting for Change Kitchen

Tuesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Miriam
171 Pineapple Road

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