Eve Edwards


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Haile Gebrselassie
Florence Kiplagat
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Community Cape
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Eve Edwards
Eve Edwards went on a group run

Thu 11th Jul at 6:15pm

Soggy Litter Day!

Birmingham Report written by Jonny Carter

Tonight, James, Jonny and Eve headed to the canal to pick some litter.

Not long after setting off down to the canal the heavens opened to give us a bit of a soaking. After sheltering under a tree for 5 minutes or so we carried on picking the now rather soggy litter.

Once done we walked up to Aston Lock to drop the bags off before heading back to 1000 Trades to drop the litter picks off then finishing our run off by running down to New Street station.

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Eve Edwards
Eve Edwards signed up to a group run.

Thu 11th Jul at 6:15pm

Eve Edwards
Eve Edwards went on a group run

Wed 12th Jun at 6:30pm

Short, back and sides!

Birmingham Report written by Jonny Carter

Tonight 4 GoodGymers got doing some tree clipping and carrying bags back to the other side of the Jewellery Quarter cemetry.

James and Jonny got clipping, with being the tallest. The idea being to clip the trees back enough so to clear the path for people to walk past, hence a barber's favourite a short, back and sides!

Eve and Sofeen bagged up the branches before taking them to be composted.

After we were done James and Jonny headed for a 3k run, whilst our walkers headed back with Josie, Eve looking after her legs after going 'hell for leather' at a cycling time trial last night!

Thanks to those who came along we'll be back helping out Josie next month :)

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Eve Edwards
Eve Edwards signed up to a group run.

Wed 12th Jun at 6:30pm

Eve Edwards
Eve Edwards went on a group run

Tue 14th May at 5:30pm

All Wrapped Up!

Birmingham Report written by Jonny Carter

Tonight we were joined by Jo and the team from Avanade as our task was to move some composters from a pub down to one of the Jewellery Quarter's grave yards.

You can see from the pictures this was no easy task as the alleyway we had to get it through was quite tight to say the least!

We got one composter down, then the idea was to wrap it with some plastickie stuff, but unfortunately somebody hadn't filled the staple gun so we had no staples!

Oh well, that meant we could go and move another composter instead, so still a good job done! So in the end that was the job wrapped up! Just not quite the way we expected!

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Eve Edwards
Eve Edwards signed up to a group run.

Tue 14th May at 5:30pm

Eve Edwards
Eve Edwards went on a group run

Tue 2nd Apr at 6:00pm

High step count

Birmingham Report written by Miriam

Morwenna, Eve and myself went on a slightly soggy 5k run including delivering an entire road's worth of leaflets for Change Kitchen.

Change Kitchen is a community cafe, offering a warm welcome to all in the community serving tasty plant based meals. The leaflets we delivered were to let people know about the cafe and also included a hot drink voucher.

While leafleting we spotted loads of cute cats, and Morwenna especially climbed a lot of stairs to get to the letterboxes!!

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Eve Edwards
Eve Edwards signed up to a group run.

Tue 2nd Apr at 6:00pm

Eve Edwards
Eve Edwards went on a group run

Tue 19th Mar at 6:20pm

Wine Not!

Birmingham Report written by Jonny Carter

Tonight we headed to our friends at Friends of the Earth.

Jonny and Eve ran the 2k to the task venue, whilst Annie and Amy met us at the task.

The task was to clean the alcohol and food cellar and clean the floor and wall around the fridges.

Amy and Annie did the cellar and Jonny and Eve did the floor and wall.

There was lots of wine to move in the cellar, Annie and Amy certainly had a smashing time..literally as one did end up on the floor! But that was no big deal as we could really see the difference we had made by the end of the task :)

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Eve Edwards
Eve Edwards signed up to a group run.

Tue 19th Mar at 6:20pm

Cleaning windows and a general tidy for the Friends of the Earth

The friends of the Earth are a great charity who help the environment

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