
Group run

Scoring a Blue-tiful Goal!

8 GoodGymers made their way 8.0km to help the The 61 Football Club in Luton.

  • Lizzy Burch
  • David Mansfield
  • Gill
  • Luton runner
  • Martin R
  • Duncan
  • Musa Kamara
  • Elaine A
Wednesday, 10th of January 2024
Led by David Mansfield

A hardy team gathered on this frosty night to make their way to the task for the evening, painting at the 61 Football Club.

We made our way along the busway under a starry sky, breath mist illuminated by head torches all the way as we kept moving to keep warm.

Soon we arrived at the nice warm clubhouse where Cliff and Richard had set out all the kit for the evening so everyone could get involved right on arrival. With seven brushes and rollers on the go, the paint went on the walls rapidly and the task was completed in no time at all, leaving us time for a nice stretching session.

With muscles feeling looser the team bravely set off into the cold dark night once again for the return journey before hot showers!

Report written by David Mansfield

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