
Community mission

Runners' Block

5 GoodGymers made their way to help the parkrun - Pitshanger junior parkrun in Ealing.

  • Harvey Gallagher
  • Sevan
  • Kash
  • Madhan
  • StephDucat
Sunday, 17th of March 2024
Led by Sevan

It's a good thing that St. Patrick's day is on Sunday night this year, not Saturday. If it was a day earlier, many of the Junior parkrunners might not have rolled out or their beds and into their running shoes this morning after some late night partying.

A Sunday St. Pats also worked well for the GoodGymers in attendance, who can raise a glass tonight and not worry about leaving the Run Director in the lurch. There's only work to worry about on Monday morning after all.

This morning Harvey and Madhan were barcode scanning and Sevan was a timekeeper. Harvey also did some funnel management, putting stakes into the ground to make a cone rather a funnel, that was narrower at the start than the end.

There were a lot of marshals around the course this morning and Steph and Kash were assigned to marshal points 1 and 2 respectively. Kash was paired up with another marshal and given an important extra duty, to politely block corner cutters looking to shave a few seconds off their time. Kash agreed, told herself that none shall pass and none did.

Despite the wet weather, 33 runners made it around the course and through the funnel, managing to slide through a muddy spot that caught a few out.

Report written by Sevan

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Led by Sevan

GoodGym Ealing Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • StephDucat

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Summer Shrubbin' at Lammas Orchard ❤️🌳

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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