
Group run

Post-It Nuts 🤪

8 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help the Brown Books in Luton.

  • David Mansfield
  • Gill
  • Martin R
  • Luton runner
  • Duncan
  • Abim Adejumo
  • Suraiya LovesTrees
  • Yasin Lutale
Wednesday, 6th of September 2023
Led by David Mansfield

A hot and sticky evening saw us come together once again for our Wednesday night group session and we welcomed Suraiya to her first GoodGym session.

We set off from the Town Hall on a postal mission to deliver flyers for Brown Books who have a series of literary events coming up this September.

Split into a walking team and a running team we headed off to the very long Old Bedford Road. The runners ran ahead to do some side roads while the walkers caught up. Once reunited we worked our way back into town together, taking in some more side roads along the way.

On arrival back at the town hall we had some cool-down cupcakes (the best kind of cool-down) to celebrate Gill reaching 100 tasks, well done Gill! We had another milestone as well as tonight was Abim's 50th session and she will soon be wearing her black shirt to show she's a veteran!

Report written by David Mansfield

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Isaac Beevor
Isaac Beevor
Saturday September 9th, 2023 11:48

@Martin rolling back the years and showing off the standard for Lutons finest... #postman

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David Mansfield
Led by David Mansfield

Luton Area Activator

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Gill
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Abim Adejumo

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