
Group run

Making mulch of a difference

10 GoodGymers made their way 3.6km to help the Tiny forest in Lewisham.

  • Kim Parker
  • Lewisham runner
  • Greenwich runner
  • Iitmari
  • Lewisham runner
  • Linda Gatley
  • Clare Nicholson
  • Julian Osman
  • Isaac Beevor
  • Lindsay Ramsey
Monday, 20th of November 2023
Led by Kim Parker

Our task for this week was to continue the double digging at the Tiny Forest in Ladywell Fields. It's a tough workout and the soil has become full of stones as we have got further towards the end.

I had sold the group run on the fact we'd be driving in the fence posts with the fancy tool only to find Isaac had beat us to it! Great work Isaac, we should have spent less time chatting at Glass Mill.

We split into groups, as many as possible forming a line to tackle the digging and then the rest carrying the mulch to a spot closer to the Tiny Forest.

Pain stopped play

Another week, another GoodGym Lewisham twisted ankle, this time Oli's foot landed in a hole but he did manage to stay upright and not drop the bucket of mulch!

The Tiny Forest team now only have about 2 foot to dig or 2 double digs. Then its time for planting of the saplings, the community missions is happening on 9th December, all details here

P.S. Enjoy the really really blurry photos!

Report written by Kim Parker

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Linda Gatley
Linda Gatley
Wednesday November 22nd, 2023 12:43

Hope your ankle feels better soon Oli

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Help in the garden at the Ladywell Unit

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Kim Parker
Glass Mill Leisure Centre

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