Kingston upon Thames

Community mission

Lettuce know if you need our help!

4 GoodGymers made their way 2km to help the Surbiton Famers' Market in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Nicky West
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Laura Waller
Saturday, 16th of February 2019
Led by Nicky West

We were all full of beans and up very bright and early this morning, so early in fact it seemed as though the sun had chosen to have a weekend lie in under the duvet!

We were warmly welcomed by Cyrus, the Operations Manager for Surbiton Market, who produced a spreadsheet plan for the day. Being a fellow project manager and spreadsheet lover, this made Nicky very happy! She had to be careful to herb her enthusiasm!

Cyrus gave us a quick briefing on handy lifting techniques for the barriers and how to arrange them along the road, and we then got to work carrying the awkward barriers along the street to help protect the stalls from passing traffic. There wasn't mushroom between them! It was definitely a good upper body workout to start the day!

Barriers all in place we moved onto more familiar ground helping to erect gazebos for the stallholders. Following our initial training at Ham Farmers Market a couple of week's ago we now felt well qualified for this job and the stallholders were all very keen to have 4 extra and eager pairs of hands to help. We made sure to put the weights in place so that they weresalad in case of a kale!

Some stallholders were heard to joke that they missed out on our help and we said to lettuce know if they needed us when we return for closedown!

Barriers all in place and stalls erected our early morning workout was done and we were offered a free coffee for our efforts before heading home!

Report written by Nicky West

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Kingston upon Thames runner
Kingston upon Thames runner
Saturday February 16th, 2019 10:19

So many puns!! Puntastic!!! Thank you for setting up and writing the run report Nicky!

Laura Waller
Laura Waller
Saturday February 16th, 2019 11:29

Great report Nicky - Iā€™m in awe of your pun skills! šŸ˜‚

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Nicky West
Led by Nicky West

GoodGym has genuinely transformed my life for the better!

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Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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