
Group run

 Let’s stalk about rhubarb

7 GoodGymers made their way 5km to help the Saffron Acres Community Heathland in Leicester.

  • David Snutch
  • Leicester runner
  • Stu Coe
  • Nick Pryke
  • Sarah
  • Dawn Lee
  • Lynn Randall
Friday, 1st of March 2024
Led by Sarah

7 GoodGymmers headed to Saffron Acres Allotments in the pouring rain to find out what today's task would be.

Luckily the rain slowed down and we managed to crack on with the task at hand uncovering the rhubarb, March is the perfect time before the stalks quickly grow in spring.

Very quickly grass weeds were pulled and the soil turned over and we could see the rhubarb shooting in no time, with no harm to the sprouting rhubarb. With rain starting heavier again it was tea, coffee and cake time inside their shed.

One of our newest members Dawn had been home baking a treat for all they were delicious. We all enjoyed hearing about Stu's 2nd place in a Welsh 5 mile race with his competitive spirit, Mel and Lynn's next tourism parkrun, Dave working on his 5k times and Nick enjoying a 12 mile run.

Weldone everyone fantastic turnout in the downpour of rain, you never let it dampen your enthusiasm always amazing how more hands make for lighter load.

Report written by Sarah

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Led by Sarah

Area Activator for Leicester loves running, cycling and recently swimming maybe a triathlon is on the cards.

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    • Leicester runner

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Summer pick-me-up!

Friday 10:30 - 12:00
Led by Sarah
The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre

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