0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
7 Month Streak
Fri 13th Sep at 10:30am
Leicester Report written by Leicester runner
The famous five plus two Beaumont Runners met and delivered leaflets advising residents about the up and coming Markfield 10km on the 29th September.
There were some quirky post boxes on the route.
A beautiful morning for the task and an added bonus with Nick bringing Angel cakes for the Goodgym angels !
Thanks Nick and well done everyone.
Fri 13th Sep at 10:30am
Tue 10th Sep at 6:00pm
Leicester Report written by Leicester runner
The famous six met up for a litter pick at Bede Park last night. It had rained all day but as soon as the litter pickers arrived at the task the sun shone !
Ashley was well prepared with her lovely umbrella hat which obviously kept the rain at bay .
Lovely to meet our new Goodgym member Samir . The 6 collected 5 bags of litter , including Nick finding a plastic bone which we think could belong to Richard the third or may the forth !
Well done everyone!
Sun 8th Sep at 8:30am
Leicester Report written by Katy Young
4 volunteers braved enough rain to launch the ark this morning to help at junior parkrun enabling 75 kids to get their parkrun fix. Katy was ably supported as RD by Lynn, Mel and Dave.