
Community mission

Leaders of the Pack(ing)

14 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Wandsworth.

  • Lorna Gott
  • Anastasia Hancock
  • Sophie Humphrey
  • Stephanie Stevenson
  • Catherine Moore
  • Kelly Lampard
  • Annabel Richardson
  • Katie Hodges
  • Ali
  • Sarah
  • Joanna
  • Caroline Wolff
  • Dylan Burns
  • Fabienne Prouteau
Monday, 18th of December 2023
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Tonight we were back to make more progress at the task we started last week -packing up boxes for financially challenged families this Christmas. We were greeted by a sea of boxes and even more donations to put in them, andlike Christmas elves, we wasted no time getting started.

It was great to meet Sarah and Fabienne who came along for their first session - lets give them a big Wandsworth welcome!

Each box had a variety of donations, including food stuff, loo roll, toothbrushes and some books and toys. They'll all be delivered starting from tomorrow across Wandsworth to families that need it most.

If you're not part of our Whatsapp group where we regularly post about social events, upcoming mission and more, then please use this link to join.

Great job everybody, well done for sprinkling a little bit of Christmas magic!

Report written by Anastasia Hancock

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Anastasia Hancock
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Area Activator for Wandsworth and Hounslow. All things running. For fitness, fun, racing and to feel good - and for everybody!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Lorna Gott
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Lorna Gott

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Painting at a local community centre

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Battersea Arts Centre

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