
Group run

Is there room for my broom?

17 GoodGymers made their way 4.0km to help the St Mary Redcliffe Nursery School in Bristol.

  • Bristol runner
  • Caroline
  • Chris Bennett
  • Bristol runner
  • David Head
  • Melanie Young
  • Bristol runner
  • Oli Monks
  • Alexis Wiseman
  • Tim
  • VaguelyNorthernDarren
  • Jason Thorne
  • Bristol runner
  • Vicky
  • Josh Cooper
  • Declan Dennehy
  • Removed User
Tuesday, 11th of July 2023
Led by Melanie Young

For the second week on a row we had a late notice task cancellation but the stars aligned perfectly for an urgent visit to Redcliffe Nursery School and Children's Centre who were being visited by Ofsted the next day and wanted the outside spaces looking as good as possible despite the downpours of the last few days. They also mentioned trusting us with the power-washer that was confiscated from us on a previous visit as we made too much noise whilst a governors' meeting was also going on.

With the walkers taking a direct route and the runners setting off in the opposite direction, the walkers sneakily ticked off a couple of extra unicorns on the route and are beating the runners 10-9. The runners don't know about this ongoing competition yet so we'll see who reads this report...

With a small courtyard and a larger playground, we were soon busy sweeping, weeding, composting and power-washing between moving large pieces of play equipment and small trucks for transporting sand back to the sandpit. Sonehow it stayed dry for the entire task except for Matt and Vicky power-washing!

A lot of staff were in preparing for the Ofsted visit and we hope we brought a smile or two to their faces as we productively larked around in the playground, having a great time ourselves. It was a fantastic visit to list the school's spirits as we declared them Outstanding.

And then we went for lovely pizza (or salad) to Franco Manca as we hadn't chatted enough yet - thanks for organising Eats, Clo!

Report written by Melanie Young

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Melanie Young
Led by Melanie Young

Area Activator for Bristol Loves being outdoors and being active, helping make the world a happier place to be one day at a time. Eats cake.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Bristol runner
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Tim

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Group Run - 30 Jul

Tuesday 18:20 - 20:05
Led by Melanie Young

GG Corner of Queen Square

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