Chris Bennett


Co-founder of GoodGym Bristol, don't run as much as I'd like to


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Chris Bennett
Chris Bennett went on a group run

Tue 9th Jul at 6:20pm

The crunchie gravel hunt

Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

Weren't we the lucky ones with a weather forecast updating from thunder and lightening to no rain at all! I'm pretty sure this is also why our numbers swelled from 5 sign ups at midday to 13 when we were arriving in Queen Square, sadly minus Vaguely Northern Darren as he was poorly. But everyone there had signed up, so Melanie didn't need to hunt for any email addresses, revealing embarrassing nick names when personal email addresses were created!

It was great having very experienced GoodGymmers (from back when it all began in Bristol) alongside our newer members and this was a firs time to Brunswick Cemetery for Freya, James and Bruce, with all the health and safety warnings that are needed.

Paul led his band of runners who arrived just as the walkers were staring to take up tools with our target being the disappearing (from being found by GoodGym) spiral path, with errant weeds to remove edges to be sought, teams taking on the challenge at the top, middle and bottom of the spiral whilst Di from the Friends group continued the dogwood-bindweed clearance and Bruce tried his hand (and bare arms and legs) at nettle-bindweed clearing until it all got a bit too tingly.

Someone had nicked the empty dumpy sack we'd hidden in the park just a couple of hours earlier, so we were back to black sacks and the rubble bags pre-purchased in a Brilliant Exhibition of Forward Planning (BEFP). And the rubble bags are a nice blue colour, so that's all good.

Everyone was very industrious as we even saw a bit of blue sky celebrating our achievements at, yes, finding edges and making the gravel look much more shiny, with top stomping by Freya who'd been practising the previous week in Totterdown.

When we'd had enough (running late as we're SO committed), we headed back to Workout and ClubHaus for our July GoodGym Eats whilst supporting Valè through the difficulties of France's early goal against Spain in the men's Euro 2024 semi-final, ordered some lovely burgers despite ClubHaus being a bit busy with football fans and continued the general chat about Very Important Things, sat outside by the water.

We really are very lucky people (vlp).

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Chris Bennett
Chris Bennett signed up to a group run.

Tue 9th Jul at 6:20pm

Group Run - 9-Jul

Spreading GoodGym loveliness in our city

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Chris Bennett
Chris Bennett went on a group run

Tue 2nd Apr at 6:20pm

P-p-p-pick up a pig pen

Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

We had rival teams of GoodGymmers in Bristol this evening with the runners heading up to Bramble Farm and the walkers across to Redcliffe. Who would get more soaked was the main question but we didn't care because it was daylight! Jo was taking no chances in her three coats

As the runners, including safari-experienced Freya, helped out around the farm, including very deep mud for the pigs in their pen, the walkers were finding pens of their own on the litter pick by the bus stops - very entertainingly an Avon and Somerset Police pen followed by a Crimestoppers one, and a discarded badge which ironically was for "Be an everyday hero, #choosetoreuse".

Far more excitingly, FOUR discarded penguin wrappers were found, each at a different location and each with a different penguin joke. I say joke, thats quite generous. It did lead to Frances only being able to communicate through penguin "jokes" for a while.

Most unexpected finds included a curtain rail and dumbell, the later proving a very good workout for Arron and his Streetmaster Pro pickers, whilst Caroline's pickers had lost an Important Red Bit that holds the trigger in place and was most impressed that a little bit of stick could substitute. Richard G proved very good at ensuring we still had all seven walkers and herding us all back together - sheepdog-in-training for One Area Activator and Her Dog at the Shindig later this year.

Jason rounded off the task with a pose akin to Roddy the Roadman, which no-one except Melanie had ever heard about.

It was GoodGym Eats at The Stable and top runner (with a new haircut) Richard B was mighty happy when all seven walkers joined him at the big table he'd been occupying all on his own.

See you all again next week?

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Melanie Young
Chris Bennett
Chris Bennett signed up to a group run.

Tue 2nd Apr at 6:20pm

Group Run - 2 Apr - will it be light?!

Somewhere will be looking much better, or worse, depending on the task...

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