
Community mission

Great Salterns litter hunt

7 GoodGymers made their way to help the Great Salterns Preservation Society in Portsmouth.

  • Tony Hewett
  • Jo Kitching
  • Sinéad McCarthy
  • Val Cameron
  • Laura Wells
  • Judy Knapp
  • Aoife
Saturday, 26th of November 2022
Led by Jo Kitching

We met for our regular end of month litter pick at Great Salterns this morning. We were minus Katie due to an 'eventful' dog walk yesterday where a tree won ☹️. Speedy recovery soon Katie. Jo met up with Sinéad and Laura who had run parkrun beforehand, whilst Aoife was bar code scanning and Tony was tail walking. Val, Judy and Tess soon arrived and we grabbed our pickers and bags and headed towards the bushes near the golf course. Usually a lot of litter accumulates here due to the wind but we found it quite clean. We headed around the perimeter and picked what we found which wasn't as bad as it usually is although we still found bags of dog poo which were left on benches. Its obviously getting colder as we didn't find any items of clothing but collected plenty of recycling and rubbish.

Report written by Jo Kitching

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Katie Carew-Robinson
Katie Carew-Robinson
Saturday November 26th, 2022 17:54

Well done everyone! I love the selfie group pic, you all look so happy 🙂🙂

Sinéad McCarthy
Sinéad McCarthy
Saturday November 26th, 2022 19:11

I think the mushroom is a shaggy parasol

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Jo Kitching
Led by Jo Kitching

Geordie down south. Runner and love running again after joining Goodgym

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