
Community mission

Going with the Hokey Cokey Flo!

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the junior parkrun - Oxford in Oxford.

  • Trevor
  • Julia
  • Ben Foster
  • Kieran
Sunday, 5th of February 2023
Led by Ben Foster

On a surprisingly fresh morning, four Goodgymers put their best foot forward to help out at event number 103 for Florence Park Junior Parkrun.

In order to keep all the volunteers warm, Trev brought along his ukulele and instigated a complete rendition of the Hokey Cokey, complete with actions and lots of curious looks as people arrived in time for the start. Fashioning a vegetative hat, Trev also led the 1st timer's welcome for those coming along for their 1st parkrun or 1st parkun in Florence Park, of which there were several. Both Julia and Kieran clapped and cheered on super runners around the 2-lap course. Ben aided in the set up and led the event as the Run Director, armed with a whistle and first aid kit in case of any mishaps (thankfully, neither were required!).

70 youngsters completed the run and more wristbands handed out for those completing their half-marathon (11 junior parkruns) or marathon (21 junior parkruns). It was a super event and thankful for the efficient token sorting and clear up at the end to earn a warm cup of coffee.

Thanks to all those that helped out!!

Report written by Ben Foster

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Ben Foster
Led by Ben Foster

GoodGym Stockport Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

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    • Trevor

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Aston’s Eyot

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:30
Led by Anwen Greenaway
Richard Benson Hall

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