Kingston upon Thames

Community mission

Going HAM with a HAMmer at HAM fair!

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Ham Amenities Group (HAG) in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Jenni H
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Kate Haworth
  • Laura Waller
Saturday, 8th of June 2019
Led by Kingston upon Thames runner

4 keen goodgymmers braved the short sharp showers and blustery conditons to help set up the annual fair on Ham common.

After being issued with our fetching hi vis jackets and detailed plan of the site, we set to work! Our first job was to peg down all the laminated numbers and colour coded signs to indicate which stall should be set where, giving the pegs a good hammering to ensure the paper didn’t get swept away by the strong winds.

For Task 2, our hi vis attire was particularly useful as we directed the various stall holders and their vehicles to the correct part of the common using the previously mentioned detailed plans. We also doubled up as general info points, trying to answer a whole plethora of queries such as “where will the toilets be?”, “which way should my stall be facing?” and “what time does the dog show start?”.

After one last bit of hammering to help some stall holders secure their gazebos, our work was done! We handed back our hi vis and headed off to enjoy the rest of our Saturday mornings. Fingers crossed it's all still in order when we return for the set down!

Report written by Laura Waller

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Led by Samia

GoodGym Kingston upon Thames runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Laura Waller

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Create a window display for the British Heart Foundation shop

Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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