
Community mission

Five Go Mulching in Camden Town

5 GoodGymers made their way to help the Castlehaven Community Centre in Camden.

  • John Shirley
  • Jacqueline Shirley
  • Alex Murtough
  • York runner
  • Maria
Monday, 4th of December 2023
Led by John Shirley

Our ever-expanding crew was joined by new Area Activator Alex as we swept, gathered and scooped up leaves, all ready to be mulched. Join us next week as Camden really gets up and running again (literally...)

Report written by John Shirley

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Alex Murtough
Alex Murtough
Monday December 4th, 2023 18:36

Really lovely to see you all today, and thank you for the photos and report, John!

John Shirley
John Shirley
Tuesday December 5th, 2023 17:25

Good to have you on board Alex

Thursday December 7th, 2023 14:43

nice one everyone! looking forward to seeing much more action in Camen!

Jack Da Silva
Jack Da Silva
Thursday December 14th, 2023 16:42

well done all!

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FRIENDLY GROUP SESSION!! 💚 Finishing Touches to Our Redecoration Efforts at the Brady Arts Centre!!

Wednesday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Alex Murtough

Opposite Barbican Underground Station

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