Don’t fall in!

8 GoodGymers made their way to help the Edith Gardens Local Nature Reserve in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Dave White
  • Rachel White
  • Tom Peacock
  • Jana
  • Sabir Babaiy Majdar
  • Emma Crowe
  • Julie
  • Luke
Tuesday, 23rd of April 2024
Led by Rachel White

Weeding ponds, paths and hedgerows was the name of the game for our Tuesday evening session, when eight GoodGymers headed to Edith Gardens, in Berrylands.

One of 12 designated nature reserves in the borough, this special site is used by people to access nature who might not otherwise be able to - such as disabled people and people suffering from mental health problems. So it’s important that it’s kept in good condition for their use.

Luke bravely volunteered to lean and ‘rake’ the pond to remove the algae on its surface, Tom and Sabir worked hard clearing brambles from the hedgerow GoodGymers planted a few years ago, Jana enjoyed slashing the nettles on either side of the wheelchair accessible path, while Dave, Julie, Rachel and Emma weeded the path to make it ready for flattening next week.

It was a slightly longer run from the Quaker Centre to this task - 3.5km - but great to get back to this site and hopefully we’ll return again this summer to lend a hand to the volunteers that manage this space so brilliantly day-to-day.

Report written by Emma Crowe

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Dave White
Dave White
Wednesday April 24th, 2024 09:32

Great report Emma! Excellent task too :)

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Rachel White
Led by Rachel White

I am the area activator for Kingston Upon Thames. Keen to keep moving and improving.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Jana

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Create a window display for the British Heart Foundation shop

Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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