

Do Geese eat Fish?

10 GoodGymers made their way to have an amazing time in Chelmsford.

  • Laurie Glendinning
  • Joel
  • Rich Walker
  • David Chatterjee
  • Fay Downing
  • Andy Holmes
  • Sallyann Jeffrey
  • Martin George
  • Joe
  • Benedict Dubois
Saturday, 16th of December 2023
Led by Fay Downing

What is a ripened ovary?

Some of the hard hitting intellectual discussions held on our Christmas do last night!

The fesitivities started in the Ale House. Sallyann joined us for some pre-drinks before the group moved on to Taste of Italy for some delicious pizza. While there we also collected nominations for the coveted GoodGym Chelmsford Annual Awards. The categories this year were (see pictures for nomination sheets):

  • Best Heel Click
  • Best Photo
  • Best Task
  • Best Social
  • Best Outfit
  • Best Newcomer
  • Best GoodGymer

(For some reason Rich had an issue with one of the categories but we never did get to the bottom of what his problem was!)

Laurie collated the results including those submitted electronically by people who couldn't make the evening. (We do things properly round here!) Some categories were very close run but we're pleased to announce the winners are:

  • Best Heel click: Andy
  • Best photo: The Bear (Richard)
  • Best task: Barrow Farm
  • Best social: Pub Crawl
  • Best outfit: Poldark (Angela)
  • Best newcomer: Martin
  • Best GoodGymer: Laurie
  • Runner Up: Joe

The winners present collected their awards and there were even a few tears shed (mainly by Rich, still don't know what got into him). Special mention went to Joel for best noise made on a night out and Erin for best drink choices. Well done to all our worthy winners. What a great end to a fantastic GoodGym year. Keep your eyes peeled for lots of exciting stuff in the New Year. The January Challenge will be coming and there will be more information about that soon. We also have a full calendar of sessions for January listed so get signing up here

Report written by Fay Downing

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Garden clearing at Meadow View Cottage

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Laurie Glendinning
Anglia Ruskin University

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