
Community mission

Can't see the Wood for the Tree's

8 GoodGymers made their way to help the Talbot Village Trust in Bournemouth.

  • Caprice McWilliams
  • Daryl Venner
  • Sarah
  • Bournemouth runner
  • Janet Beauchamp
  • Eleanor King
  • Milly Corden-lloyd
  • Sophie Cuff
Saturday, 20th of January 2024
Led by Caprice McWilliams

Eight Goodgymers meet at the Cafe at Slades farm plus Lea brought a friend along thank you so much for Bringing him along we must get him signed up. We where meet by Martha the Task owner from Talbot Village Trust who gave us an overview of the Trust which was very interesting to hear so much about the local History.We all made our way to the woods where we where shown what needed to be done Sarah,Sophie and Milly started to clear an entrance of Holly which had grown out of control.Lea,Janet,Eleanor and Daryl started to clear an area of low lying Brambles .After an Hour we had made good progress we stopped for a much earned tea or coffee and to our surprise Martha pass round Donuts which went down a treat.At this point we where joined by Caprice who had a bad morning after spending a Evening with Friends woke to find she had a flat tyre after getting the puncture repaired she still managed to make it .that is dedication thank you so much for making it after the morning you had.We all set back to the Task in hand Daryl helping Sarah get some big Branches down we where soon clearing up and packing all the equipment away Martha was more than pleased with the work we had done.We all said our goodbyes and made our way home knowing we had done a great Mornings work well done to you all .Ilook forward to seeing you all on the next task.

Report written by Daryl Venner

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Caprice McWilliams
Led by Caprice McWilliams

I love running (the muddier the better) and I love my goodgym gang. They rule. ❤️

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Daryl Venner
  • Document Checker

    Check the documents of GoodGymers applying for a DBS

    • Daryl Venner
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Janet Beauchamp

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To finish sanding and painting the log cabin in Boscombe Chine Gardens

Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Caprice McWilliams
Kings Park Cricket Pavillion

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