Janet Beauchamp


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To finish sanding and painting the log cabin in Boscombe Chine Gardens
🗓Monday 5th August 6:15pm

📍Kings Park Cricket Pavillion BH1 4NN

Helping out in Boscombe Chine Gardens

Caprice McWilliamsDaryl VennerJanet BeauchampSophie CuffGraeme Zaple
5 GoodGymers are going
Latest activity
Janet Beauchamp
Janet Beauchamp signed up to a group run.

Mon 5th Aug at 6:15pm

Janet Beauchamp
Janet Beauchamp went on a group run

Mon 8th Jul at 6:15pm

Mastermind over matter

Bournemouth Report written by Caprice McWilliams

So tonight's session was a little bit different to our usual quiz. The GoodGymers were expecting to just meet the residents for a 'social' but on arrival, the residents were keen to have a quiz. So much so, that one of the residents came prepared with some paper, a pen and an old Mastermind quiz that she had found in newspaper which she was saving for a rainy day. Perfect! (and it was raining, literally!) Everyone moved into the lounge where Daryl and Janet got to making everyone a cuppa. Even the biscuit tin got cracked open! After a bit of a natter the room split into two teams, Caprice, Keith and Janet joining Team A and Chloe joining forces with the ladies (and Brian) Daryl being the good sport that he is nominated himself as Quizmaster, carefully choosing appropriate questions from the bumper newspaper quiz. There were some pretty tricky questions this month but both teams did incredibly well. The ladies team scoring 9/20 but the winners this month were Team A scoring a decent 13/20. Well done to Daryl for his efforts and thanks to Abbeyfield for welcoming us. We really do love our visits and it's clear to see that we were missed last month. Due to popular demand it looks as though we will be back in one month. We hope to see you there!

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Caprice McWilliams
Janet Beauchamp
Janet Beauchamp signed up to a group run.

Mon 8th Jul at 6:15pm

Janet Beauchamp
Janet Beauchamp went on a community mission

Sat 15th Jun at 10:00am

Bearwood wood would…

Bournemouth Report written by Bournemouth runner

Four Goodgymmers, Sue, Janet, Lea and Keith as well as non-Goodgymmer Roger, turned up at Bearwood Primary school to help in clearing an area of disused fencing/gates/branches to a skip. With it being a fire hazard, it needed to be moved. First we moved fences and gates away, as well as lots of posts and bits of wood. Then the fun started: we got to dismantle the gates and fences, yay!!! Hammer and mallet came out, as well as the electric screwdriver and hey presto: no fences or gates left, just a skip full of wood! David, the caretaker, was very grateful. A contractor would have cost the earth, now that money can be spent on new lighting in parts of the school. Thank you everyone for all your effort!

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Caprice McWilliams

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Keith Baker

Sun 16th Jun at 2:03pm

I must add that Sue and Janet ripped apart a strong fence in minutes. They had clearly perfected the best method.

Janet Beauchamp
Janet Beauchamp signed up to a community mission.

Sat 15th Jun at 10:00am

Help required to clear fire hazard at local Primary & Nursery School

This will help reduce the exterior fire hazard connected to a disused mobile classroom

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Janet Beauchamp
Janet Beauchamp signed up to a community mission.

Thu 13th Jun at 6:00pm

Janet Beauchamp
Janet Beauchamp went on a community mission

Sat 25th May at 8:45am

Bedlam in Pelham…

Bournemouth Report written by Bournemouth runner

Six Goodgymmers, Daryl, Janet, Chloe, James, Keith and Lea, all got up early on this very sunny Bank Holiday Saturday to join the Parks Foundation team in Pelhams Park. The task today: putting raised beds together and filling them with soil for the community to use for growing vegetables. Keith got his drill out and started drilling holes where James had carefully measured and marked the solid oak beams. Daryl was busy with the electric screwdriver to get the very long screws in. And soon the first bed was up. Along the edges sods had to be put back, so Lea, Janet and Chloe got busy doing that. Other tasks that kept us busy all morning were raking grass, digging up and pulling sods of grass up, shovelling soil in to wheelbarrows and emptying those in the new bed, digging deep holes for the new upright posts to go in, concreting round those posts etc. “Hard graft” it certainly was, but the result was certainly worth it. And once again us Goodgymmers showed everyone that we love a great task!

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Caprice McWilliams
Janet Beauchamp
Janet Beauchamp signed up to a community mission.

Sat 25th May at 8:45am

Janet Beauchamp
Janet Beauchamp went on a group run

Mon 29th Apr at 6:15pm

Reflections Of You and Me

Bournemouth Report written by Daryl Venner

Janet,Caprice and Daryl meet at the Brewhouse and ran the 3.5K to the task through the Gardens which was really nice as it was a nice sunny evening .Once at the task we were meet by Neil its been a long while since we have been back at Bishop Aldhelms School,Neil tiold us where the others where so we walked round the school to the Reflection Garden where Chole and James where they were painting the wooden benches (James must like painting two days running hes had the paint brushes out).Paul was cutting back the over hanging branches, we were told what needed to be done so the three of us set to work and we soon had the garden looking ship shape again Neil was really pleased with the work we had done. We all said our good byes and headed off Caprice,Janet and Daryl ran back through the Gardens to the Triangle .Dont leave it so long Paul we miss you.Tell next time Daryl

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Caprice McWilliams
Janet Beauchamp
Janet Beauchamp went on a community mission

Thu 25th Apr at 6:00pm

Scraping by in the church

Bournemouth Report written by Bournemouth runner

Seven Goodgymmers, Caprice, Millie, Sophie, Eleanor, Janet, Keith and Lea joined Ruth inside St Augustin’s church tonight. The planned work outside wasn’t going to happen with buckets (of rain) coming down! No washing walls this time but scraping pillars… the peeling paint as well as salt crystals needed to be removed, so that the pillars will dry out better. Then they can be painted at a later stage. Lots of scraping meant lots of dust…. James to the rescue. Eh what? James could unfortunately not make it, so when Eleanor heard Lea say: “Well done James”, she got a bit confused. Turned out Lea was praising Henry’s cousin James, also in the hoovering business! Eh, right 🤔🤣! And then Caprice and James joined forces to attack more dust… Anyway, with dust collected as well as spiders webs, lots of leaves and a pine cone (?), but no mice running around this time, the church and Ruth are happily awaiting our return as there is lots more to do for the hardworking Goodgymmers group!! Thanks everyone for your hard work.

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Caprice McWilliams
