
Group run

Camomile Crew

8 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help the Abbey Gardens in Newham.

  • Brahma Pochee
  • Paul Cornick
  • Rosa
  • Hilary
  • Sharon
  • Kevin Prince
  • Brad Purnell
  • Simon Hempenstall
Wednesday, 19th of April 2023
Led by Brahma Pochee

We swapped one community garden for another last night, a slight miscommunication with Nomadic gardens led to a relaxing dusk hour at Abbey Gardens.

"What's your favourite invention?" was discussed in the sharp breeze outside Print House. Noise cancelling headphones kicked us off with auditory calm , air-fryer came sizzling in next, vision via the spectacles, being dry and smug in the pissing rain - say thanks to waterproof tech. This week's winner has got to be the wheel, mainly because I like bikes, should have said the bicycle, that's what I meant to say. I think we all agree the cheese toasty machine is definitely second place.

Abbey Gardens was looking lush in the magic hour, Xuan split us in three groups. With a camomile clan thinning out a tray into loads of individuals, Brad and Si dug out a couple of beds, as did Pablo, Hils and I. Clearing them of deep rooted weeds to let some new bits flourish.

The sun set and the cold seeped in, cured with some intervals on the Green Way, replenished with pints of juice and beer back at a base.

Have a cracking Saturday at Parkrun, I'll see how the sleep goes and Dev is come Sat morn, but have a cracking morn. Hoping we can lock back in the monthly Parkrun option as per years gone by.

Next week we should be at Nomadic Gardens, just awaiting confirmation from Jimmy. Sign up here

Till then,


Report written by Brahma Pochee

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Brahma Pochee
Led by Brahma Pochee

GoodGym Newham Coordinator

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Sharon
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Kevin Prince
    • Sharon

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Emanuel Parish Church

Wednesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Brahma Pochee
PrintHouse Bar, 133 High St

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