

Bowled Over at The Ageas

6 GoodGymers made their way 10.1km in a race in Portsmouth.

  • Portsmouth runner
  • Tony Hewett
  • Portsmouth runner
  • Jen Stoneham
  • Dave M
  • Richard
Sunday, 8th of October 2023
Led by Jen Stoneham

We had exceptional autumnal weather for the 10km race at The Ageas Bowl this morning.

We welcomed Richard to his first GG Race Event - great to have you along today!

Those of us that ran last year had forgotten the levels of undulations on the course, although Dave is very convinced he ran up a few mountains!

Report written by Jen Stoneham

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Dave M
Dave M
Sunday October 8th, 2023 21:04

They were mountains! Tony’s elevation map proved it 😂

Monday October 9th, 2023 20:21

Well done you guys!

Nia Cary
Nia Cary
Tuesday October 10th, 2023 20:52

Congratulations all!

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