
Group run

A gallon of rain for a gallon of paint, that's how we roll!

8 GoodGymers made their way 4.0km to help the Arbor in Southwark.

  • Southwark runner
  • Sam Lefevre
  • Daryl Shaw
  • Nathan Wood
  • Benjamin Crouch
  • Gemma
  • Maria Kostoulia
  • Sander Heinsalu
Wednesday, 18th of October 2023
Led by Sam Lefevre

Having the beginning of Storm Bebet arriving in London on Wednesday night deterred a few GoodGymers, yet we still managed to get 8 weathered GoodGymers to come along for tonight's group run including newbie, Sander! Welcome to GoodGym and for claiming your first good deed! He saw us advertise on MeetUps and thought he would come along and check it out.

Since Sander was the newbie, Sam did the full GG speech for him and opted to do the ice-breaker indoors before going for the warm-up.

Sam's ice-breaker for tonight was in relation to him seeing a BBC News segment where they interviewed an arctic kayaker who spent 5 days in a two person tent waiting for the weather to turn and only had a crossword book to entertain him and keep his mind in a positive state: If you were stuck at home in a storm, the electricity is gone, what would you do to entertain yourself?

2 out of the 7 of us said they would have a book and read, others would have a game or puzzle book, Sander would workout whilst Daryl would drink and finally, Gemma would ensure she had a cat to keep her company.

We're painting Dawson's Heights white

Not the town red, but after our quick warm-up in the alleywall, Sam lead the way whilst Paulinbackmarked as we ran along Peckham Rye Park to reach Dunstan's Road as our slow climb to Dawson's Height began at Underhil Road. We took it in our strides as we reached the top and met Sheena and Thai at the community centre. They were happy to see us and welcomed us in with open arms.

Sheena and Thai had prepared the paint and tools, but some of the walls still needed to be scraped and cleaned. Yet, the main task was to get the first coat of white paint on the walls of this community centre within 40 minutes!

Everyone grabbed a paint brush or roller and picked a wall to get started on. The noughties tunes were banging and then a surprise appearance from Benjamin, who hadn't shown up since March/April. He told us he was busy with life, yet that's the beauty of can come and go as you please and we'll still welcome you on your return!

After slapping on a first coat of paint, some areas got a second layer, but since we didn't want to peel off the old paint (as it hadn't dried), we ensured we covered as much as we could leaving the ceiling and a wall by the kitchen for another day.

As 20:00 approached, we called it a night and said our thanks to Sheena and Thai for having us. We dashed down the hill with Maria backmarking this time. We met Benjamin, who cycled to Dawson's Heights back at Old Spike as we went for a couple of Guinness at Old Nag's Head.

Thank You to all the GG-ers

A personal thanks from me to all those who came out tonight! It was pouring down with rain, but you decided to come out for a run and to do good! Another welcome to Sander for coming for your first good deed and I hope you enjoyed your evening with us!

Thank You to Sheena and Thai

GoodGym is all about getting fit and doing good! We praise the runners/cyclists/walkers who come to get fit and help out, but we often forget about our task owner. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sheena and Thai, who opened up the community centre and prepared the paint for us. We did a second coat with the corporate group on Friday, so there's no need to come back. Yet, I am sure Ellie from Arbor will let us know if we're needed again.

Report written by Sam Lefevre

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Sam Lefevre
Led by Sam Lefevre

Southwark Area Activator since Sept 2021 Ultra runner (when I'm crazy), otherwise I stick to anything under a marathon... 🏃🏻

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Maria Kostoulia
    • Southwark runner

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Group Run: Litter Pick Bingo + Monthly Social [Peckham Bowls]

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Sam Lefevre

Old Spike Roastery

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