Food shopping for Mr A

By cash

1 GoodGymers needed • Mr A of BH15 is available:

Mon 10th February 14:00-16:00
Tue 11th February 10:00-16:00
Wed 12th February 10:00-16:00
1 day left to sign up
Deliver hot meal to Mrs N

These items do not require payment eg a foodbank delivery

1 GoodGymers needed • Mrs N of E8 is available:

Mon 10th February 17:00-18:00
Tue 11th February 17:00-18:00
1 day left to sign up
Group run
Food shopping for Mr A

By cash

1 GoodGymers needed • Mr A of BH15 is available:

Mon 10th February 14:00-16:00
Tue 11th February 10:00-16:00
Wed 12th February 10:00-16:00
1 day left to sign up
Attaching Balcony Screens and Lightbulb Change for Mr D (flexi)(wk1)

Would help Mr D to have more light and will allow him to be able to use his balcony again, which could help with his mental health

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Mr D of SE4 is available:

Tue 11th February 11:00-12:00
Wed 12th February 11:00-13:00
Thu 13th February 11:00-13:00
Fri 14th February 11:00-13:00
Sat 15th February 11:00-13:00
Sun 16th February 11:00-13:00
2 days left to sign up
Windsor and Maidenhead
Pick up and deliver food shopping for Mrs G

I don't know how they are paying (I will find out for next time)

1 GoodGymers needed • Mrs G of SL6 is available:

Tue 11th February 12:00-14:00
Wed 12th February 12:00-14:00
Thu 13th February 12:00-14:00
Fri 14th February 12:00-14:00
2 days left to sign up
URGENT: Put up bed for Ms A so she could be discharged home

Be able to facilitate discharge home from hospital. Discharge is 3 months delayed.

  • Ivo
1 GoodGymers signed up

2 GoodGymers needed • Ms A of E8 is available:

Tue 11th February 12:00-16:00
Wed 12th February 12:00-13:00
2 days left to sign up
Deliver clothing to Mr N

These items do not require payment eg a foodbank delivery

1 GoodGymers needed • Mr N of UB2 is available:

Tue 11th February 13:00-14:00
Tue 18th February 13:00-14:00
Tue 25th February 13:00-14:00
2 days left to sign up
Bramble trimming needed for Ms V: part 2 (flexible)(wk3)

Ms V will be able to access and enjoy the garden again if it is made wheelchair accessible by removing the brambles.

2-3 GoodGymers needed • Ms V of SW18 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00
Thu 13th February 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00
Fri 14th February 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00
2 days left to sign up
Weeding and tidying greenery for Ms V (wk3)(flexi)

As she is frail, elderly, and living alone, she cannot get this done without the kind help of GoodGym volunteers.

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Ms V of E15 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 10:00 12:00 14:00
Thu 13th February 11:00 13:00 15:00
Fri 14th February 10:00 12:00 14:00
Sat 15th February 10:00-11:00 13:00 15:00
Sun 16th February 10:00-12:00 14:00
2 days left to sign up
Clearing leaves for Mr A (flexi) (Wk3)

He will be able to enjoy his yard when the weather is wamer

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Mr A of SE15 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00-16:00
Wed 12th February 12:00 14:00-16:00
Thu 13th February 12:00 14:00-16:00
Fri 14th February 12:00 14:00-16:00
Sat 15th February 12:00 14:00-16:00
2 days left to sign up
Gardening and planting bulbs for Ms K (flexible) (wk2)

Ms K is really upset at the thought of wasting the bulbs and not being able to see them grow and bloom. Any help she could receive to help in her garden would be much appreciated and bring her a lot of joy in difficult times.

  • Linda Gatley
1 GoodGymers signed up

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Ms K of BR1 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 12:00-15:00
Thu 13th February 12:00-15:00
Fri 14th February 12:00-15:00
Sat 15th February 12:00-15:00
2 days left to sign up
Declutter of paper work for Mrs P: part 3 (wk2)(flexi)

Mrs P will be able to be clutter free and enjoy her space again

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Mrs P of SE15 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 10:00-15:00
Thu 13th February 10:00-14:00
Fri 14th February 10:00-15:00
2 days left to sign up
Mowing and general garden tidy up for Ms N (Wk2)(flexi)

Ms N is elderly and due to her health, she cannot upkeep the garden by herself.

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Ms N of N16 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 10:00-15:00
Thu 13th February 10:00-15:00
Fri 14th February 10:00-14:00
2 days left to sign up
Mounting TV and bracket on the wall for Mr A (flexi) (wk2)

Installing the TV will help to support Mr A's mental health and give him audio company in his home.

2-3 GoodGymers needed • Mr A of UB5 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 10:00-13:00 15:00
Thu 13th February 10:00-15:00
Fri 14th February 10:00-15:00
2 days left to sign up
Weeding the garden for Ms M (flexi) (wk2)

Ms M will be able to enjoy her garden again in time for spring

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Mrs M of N1 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00-16:00
Wed 12th February 10:00-14:00
Thu 13th February 10:00-14:00
Fri 14th February 10:00-14:00
2 days left to sign up
Weeding and tidying for Ms G (flexi) (wk2)

It will help Ms G enjoy the garden as we approach the spring and summer

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Ms G of TW4 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 12:00-15:00
Thu 13th February 10:00-15:00
Fri 14th February 10:00-15:00
2 days left to sign up

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