
Community mission

The Inaugural Norfolk Marathon

7 GoodGymers made their way to help the EPIC Norfolk in Norwich.

  • Steven Hitcham
  • Elizabeth H
  • Woody
  • Norwich runner
  • Alina
  • Rose Copland
  • Paul Guille
Sunday, 28th of April 2024
Led by Steven Hitcham

A cold and wet day of marshalling for the Good Gymers helping out at the inaugural Norfolk Marathon didn't dampen the spirits for an excellent event.

Good Gymers were largely in seperate places but travelled together so they could go on some rides in the park before the race commenced.

It remained wet and windy throughout the day but the marathoners were in good spirits and were very happy and thankful for the support and directions along the course.

A humungous shout out to Hitch and the EPIC Norfolk team for organising this event, it was seen on the faces of so many runners how much it meant to them to take part and the impact it has on fundraising for so many charities makes events like this ever so important in any community, here's to many more years of the Norfolk Marathon!

Report written by Woody

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Steven Hitcham
Led by Steven Hitcham

I'm the Area Activator for GoodGym Norwich. I love running and socialising with the GG family.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Woody
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Woody

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Volunteer @ the new Priscilla Bacon Hospice

Monday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Steven Hitcham
Colney Lane Pavilion

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