
Community mission

Trenches by Torchlight

11 GoodGymers made their way to help the Bedford Fields in Leeds.

  • Katie Presley
  • Rachael Cooney
  • Damu
  • Katie Lees
  • Helen Noyes
  • Laura
  • Freddie Saynor
  • Ben Etherington
  • Leeds runner
  • Joe Porter
  • Sasha Pannu
Wednesday, 13th of March 2024
Led by Laura

Tonight, we had a nice big group of 11 GoodGymers who met at Heart and ran up to Bedford Fields for my 50th mission with GoodGym.

We dug a trench under their new fence so that they could tighten it up and then put the mulch onto tree roots at the other side. The idea is to create a border to offer the trees more support. We finished off with a bit of tidying up. It's amazing how much we can get done in an hour between us. Well done team!

Welcome to newcomers Joe, Jubz & Sasha, it was great to meet you all & I hope to see you again soon.

Report written by Laura

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Led by Laura

We are a friendly group who meet every Wednesday evening at 6pm. We also have at least one other session in the week. Newcomers welcome!

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Painting and cleaning picnic benches at Left Bank

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Laura
Headingley Enterprise and Arts Centre ( HEART)

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