It's raining, it's pouring, the wood piles need sawing

12 Goodgymers helped their local community in Kingston upon Thames
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Kingston upon Thames

Tuesday 13th September 2022

Report written by Rachel White

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Rain, rain, go away, come again another day! The rain, however, did not deter a good turn out for our GoodGym group run this evening. We ran up to Vine Close to clear a huge pile of branches that had been thrown in a big pile - ideal for a bonfire (isn't that coming up soon?!) but Elliot had other ideas that were more wildlife-friendly. The plan was to saw up the bigger branches and keep them separate to make wood piles for the insects - the smaller branches and leaves went into huge bags ready for collection.

After a quick run through of the evening's tasks, we got to it and the team split up to tackle different areas. The rain slowly got heavier the longer we were there but instead of giving up, we doubled down to get the job done. Elliot mentioned there was a pond underneath which was confirmed when someone put their foot in it. Kate also spotted frogs which was a great wildlife find and gave us another reason to uncover their home for them.

Elliot was pleased with the fast progress and has asked us to come back again in a couple of weeks so we can finish the job and hopefully locate the pond but without falling in next time.

Welcome to Karim and Sabit on your first mission! We hope you enjoyed it - hope to see you at a mission again soon.

Session Leader
This task supported
Starting a new community garden in Surbiton
Creating a community garden. Vegetation clearance to see what we are working with!

This will be the first session of a new project which will see the creation of a new community garden of a local group of residents. Creating a social spaces which is great for wildlife.

See more
Sabir Babaiy Majdar
Kate Haworth
Karim Ahmadi
Samantha Gardiner
Tara Acharya
Claire Dunne
Tom Peacock
Rob Haworth
Rachel White
Dave White
Join us on our next session

Kingston upon Thames

Long Weekend Litter Pick - DIY task complete in your own time
🗓Today 12:30pm

keep our local area clean and tidy

Dave WhiteOlivia RobertsTerry-Ann O'ConnellStephDucat
8 GoodGymers are going

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