I want to break tree

14 Goodgymers helped their local community in Ealing
Shan Rahulan
Jahnae Marcia
Tom B
Liv Parker-Scott
Harvey Gallagher
Caroline Wilkinson
Jenni H
Jojo Montague
Georgie Challinor
Adam Wakefield
Mike C
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Tuesday 15th June 2021

Liv Parker-Scott
Liv Parker-Scott


Harvey Gallagher
Harvey Gallagher


Jenni H
Jenni H


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Report written by Liv Parker-Scott

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On a beautiful summers evening 14 eager GoodGym runners cane out to help care for the land at the William Hobbaybe Half Acre Wood.

A huge welcome to Jahnae who joined for her first GoodGym session - a excellent addition to the team!

Our main task for the evening was to uncover all the small trees that were being smothered by lots of overgrowth thanks to the glorious weather we've had the last few weeks. With lots of shearing, raking and snipping we were soon uncovering lots of trees and a great sense of satisfaction was radiating throughout the group!

'We love GoodGym!' said a passerby, out on their evening stroll!

The award for best outfit of the night definitely went to Shan who was rocking a t-shirt tucked into jeans look last seen in the 80s. He was definitely winning at not getting stinging nettles on the legs though!

After an hour of hard work (shearing lots of brambles really is a great workout, not to mention tension release!) we downed tools and said goodbye. But we'll be back! Keep an eye on the listings as we're planning another community mission here that will have a yoga gong bath at the end in July!

This task supported
The William Hobbayne Charity
Serving the Hanwell community since 1484

The William Hobbayne Charity supports a variety of different projects around the Hanwell area. The tasks we can do for them vary depending on the needs across these projects.

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