Having fun extinguishing Christmas Sparks

13 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Harsheh Raj
Ramani Lachyan
Ed Newman
Jason Thorne
Phill Stone
Alexis Wiseman
Melanie Young
Richard Breakspear
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Tuesday 7th January

Phill Stone
Phill Stone


Alexis Wiseman
Alexis Wiseman


Melanie Young
Melanie Young


Bristol runner


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Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

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With a lucky break in the weather (but a wee bit chilly), we welcomed Ramani to her first GoodGym task after she arrived for a documebt check and hadn't realised she could stay for the Group Run - hope it's the first of many!

We were all soon being let into the loading bay of Sparks and being let loose on taking down their communal area Christmas decorations, many of which we'd tied into the ceiling back in November. They'd stayed up much better than expected!

Spread over three floors, there was strategic lift manoeuvring and stair climbiing having found cardboard boxes to pack away decorations for use next year (if they survive!) and carefully squished paper lantern decorations to their flat state.

A quick team sport of small LUSH box collapsing and a human chain to over-fill a cupboard and our job was done.

Indoors again next week for our Group Run, in case that tempts you back!

This task supported
Sparks is a department store with a difference, piloting new ways to better serve our community and address the climate, ecological and cost of living crisis.

Sparks is a vibrant, positive venue where visitors can explore what a greener, fairer and more creative future looks like. Sparks brings organisations and individuals from across the city together to pilot new ways to better serve our community and address the climate, ecological and cost of living crisis. We'd love you to get involved in this unique project located in the heart of Bristol, in the old M&S building on Broadmead.

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Discuss this report
Alexis Wiseman

Wed 8th Jan at 8:07pm

Great report, thanks Mel

Ramani Lachyan

Wed 8th Jan at 11:15pm

Great report,thank you for welcoming me

Join us on our next session


Group Run/Walk - 18 Feb
🗓Tuesday 18th February 6:20pm

Spreading GoodGym loveliness in the city

Melanie YoungCaroline
3 GoodGymers are going - 27 spaces left! 👀