Brick planter

8 Goodgymers helped their local community in York
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Thursday 10th February 2022

Report written by Michal Czekajlo

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On a cold Thursday evening 8 GG Yorkies visited Foxwood to help local volunteers tidy up a massive planter.

Members of the Residents Association explained the task to us - remove any litter, dried out vegetation and weeds from the planter. Without further delay we quickly stuck in. Few minutes into the task we were joined by local PCSO's who were promptly instructed on what to do by Ed. Shortly after we were joined by a group of teenage boys who came to see what we were up to. PCSO's engaged in a chat with them leaving bulk of the task to us.

A bicycle tyre, few bricks and what looked like a part of syringe were amongst our finds. Luckily Police Officers had a plastic tube, which they use to put knifes away, that they used to stow the sharp.

After 45 minutes of weeding and sweeping around the planter we produced a number of bags full of green waste and litter.

With the group photo taken we walked to the community centre to drop the tools and then ran, walked, or cycled back home.

Our task was part of a larger multi-agency campaign aiming to alleviate ASB in the area, provide positive presence and reassurance for local residents that the area is looked after. I think that our involvement definitelly had a positive impact and the planter itself looks a lot better in a daylight.

Thank you All for taking part and see you soon!

Session Leader
Run leader
Tamar Goudie (Tay)
Ed Woollard
Vicky Hearson
Amy Woollard
Michal Czekajlo
Join us on our next session


Fordlands Road Balsam Bash Sesh
🗓Wednesday 6:30pm

Help remove this invasive species

Ed WoollardEmmaLyndsey HayAmy WoollardJames TilburnAlison Holmes
6 GoodGymers are going

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