A ship shape job

8 Goodgymers helped their local community in Worthing
John Robinson
Barbara Barrett
Paul Woodcock
Anne Blokhus
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Monday 12th February 2024



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Report written by JULIA GLEESON

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Monday fun day

What a great turn out we had on a crystal clear star lit sky. Anne led the running group withSarah and Paul I led the walking group with Ryan,Daisy,John and Barbara. Special mention to Barbara who has returned after a horrible six weeks of injury and nasty illness - it was great to have you back!

Star Gazing

John and Barbara forged ahead walking whilst the runners caught up the remainder of us and paused to do some star gazing whilst en route to the task.

Anchoring Down

We arrived at our regular task - Anchor Gardens with 1 mission, to have a really good tidy up and litter pick of this prominent seafront garden that is so visible to all that walk past along the seafront and also the road alongside it.

Sarah and John set about doing the litter pick, entertaining themselves with a ' name the chocolate bar ' game whilst the rest of the team bagged up all the debris that we had cut down last time and which was still sitting in the big white grab bags looking an eyesore. This was all sorted with some lovely mulching compost re distributed over the beds too.

We have some nice events to look forward to with a drink food on Monday 26th after GG at the Railway Inn plus a plan in the pipeline for a downs run and roast later in March. More details to follow! Have a great week.

This task supported
Friends of Anchor Gardens
Helping volunteers keep the gardens looking pretty

Seafront community gardens featuring a huge anchor and landscaped gardens

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Heene Road Community Garden
🗓Tomorrow 6:00pm

Helping out in the community

Barbara BarrettPaul WoodcockPaula MartenRoxy
8 GoodGymers are going