Ritchie Xavier


Good Deeds

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Finding your feet
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Ritchie Xavier
Ritchie Xavier went on a community mission

Sat 6th Apr at 10:30am

Snow Drops and Sticky Weeds

Hammersmith and Fulham Report written by Ritchie Xavier

Loss of weeding and planting and waving hello at the local dogs ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Ritchie Xavier
Ritchie Xavier completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Monday 25th March

Finding your feet

Finding your feet

Ritchie Xavier completed 15 good deeds with GoodGym.

Ritchie has completed their 15th good deed with GoodGym

Ritchie Xavier
Ritchie Xavier signed up to a community mission.

Sat 6th Apr at 10:30am

Ritchie Xavier
Ritchie Xavier signed up to a community mission.

Sat 23rd Mar at 10:30am

Gardening at Fulham Palace

Maintaining a green space for all to enjoy

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Ritchie Xavier
Ritchie Xavier went on a community mission

Sat 2nd Mar at 10:30am

Root and Stem!

Hammersmith and Fulham Report written by Ritchie Xavier

The rain did not keep us from de-weeding, trimming, cleaning and turning over soil on a number of plant beds

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Ritchie Xavier
Ritchie Xavier signed up to a community mission.

Sat 2nd Mar at 10:30am

Ritchie Xavier
Ritchie Xavier went on a community mission

Sat 27th Jan at 10:30am

Careful trees, your roots are showing!

Hammersmith and Fulham Report written by Jonathan (he/him)

A pleasant Saturday morning saw a bunch of Goodgymmers come together to help out around Fulham Palace.

We cleared out Ivy and other foliage from around the listed trees in the Palace grounds so their roots had room to breathe and could be inspected for any wear and tear. Our runners took to the practice with good gusto and also cleared out the areas around the newly emerging snowdrops and croci.

We also welcomed Emma to her first ever mission with Goodgym. It was brilliant to meet you Emma and I hope we'll get to see you again soon!

Thank you all for coming! Some of us also got to enjoy the wonderful baked goods of the cafe; though none of us were quite sure how to define a tiffin.

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Ritchie Xavier
Ritchie Xavier signed up to a community mission.

Sat 27th Jan at 10:30am

Gardening at Fulham Palace

Maintaining a green space for all to enjoy

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