Rachel Melinek


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Rachel Melinek
Rachel Melinek went on a group run

Tue 23rd Jul at 6:45pm

GoodGym Barnet enjoying a lovely hobby

Barnet Report written by Paul Salman

GoodGym Barnet gathered at the iconic Phoenix Cinema for an evening of running and community service at Highgate Woods.

We began with a warm-up under the golden hues of a beautiful summer evening, right outside the cinema. The run took us through the picturesque Cherry Tree Woods and up to the enchanting Highgate Woods, a remnant of the ancient woodlands that once covered this area, where traces of Roman activity have been discovered.

Upon arrival, we met Cindy, the enthusiastic Highgate Woods Ranger, at the Pavilion Café in the heart of the woods. Our task was to dismantle den structures and repurpose the wood to fence off areas for regrowth. Cindy, with her deep knowledge of the local wildlife, enriched our understanding of the woodland ecosystem. She shared exciting news about a nesting hobby, a small bird of prey, that had relocated to Highgate Woods from Queenwood. To protect the chicks, the area beneath their nesting tree was cordoned off.

Cindy also spoke about her recent experience with a wildlife hospital in Rickmansworth, which cared for a pair of orphaned hedgehogs. This highlighted the growing pressures on wildlife due to human encroachment.

Working beneath the canopy of ancient trees, we dismantled the wooden dens and fenced off an area being used as a shortcut by passersby. The serene surroundings, filled with bird calls and fresh, clean air, made the task a joy. To our delight, we completed the job swiftly and took a moment to enjoy some yoga under the trees.

As the evening drew to a close, we headed home, feeling accomplished and a bit more knowledgeable about our local woodland. It was a perfect way to spend a beautiful summer evening, blending fitness, nature, and community service. Join us next time at GoodGym Barnet to experience these magical moments and make a positive impact on our environment.

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Kubilay KaraKaren
Rachel Melinek
Rachel Melinek went on a training session

Tue 23rd Jul at 9:55am

Take the pressure off with Goodgym Yoga.

Barnet Report written by Paul Salman

A few GoodGym people came to do online yoga. Thanks for coming any feedback would be welcome.

Yoga Benefits with Static Holds Incorporating static holds like planks and wall chair squats into your yoga practice offers several benefits: 1. Enhanced Muscle Strength and Endurance: Continuous muscle engagement builds strength and endurance. 2. Improved Vascular Health: Better blood vessel elasticity aids in lower blood pressure. 3. Lower Heart Rate: Regular practice can reduce your resting heart rate. 4. Stress Reduction: Deep breathing and mindfulness lower stress levels. 5. Better Circulation: Enhanced blood flow supports cardiovascular health. Tips for Balance * Alternate Days: Combine static holds with dynamic exercises like fast walking running or cycling. * Combine in One Session: Warm-up with dynamic exercises, incorporate static holds, and cool down with stretches. * Weekly Schedule: Mix 3 days of dynamic exercises, 2 days of static holds, and 2 rest days. Stay consistent and listen to your body for the best results.

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George Ttoouli

Thu 25th Jul at 10:03am

I signed up to get moving after being laid up with a virus for 5 days. The session was really invigorating - thank you Paul! Especially for encouraging us to only go as far as we could and to take breaks in child's pose, which I needed to do a couple of times. The mountain poses are great, really helped with my focus and resilience in getting back on my feet for the rest of the day. The core work out was really good too.

Rachel Melinek
Rachel Melinek signed up to a group run.

Tue 23rd Jul at 6:45pm

Helping out at Highgate woods

Improve the environment in the woods of enjoyment of all.

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Rachel Melinek
Rachel Melinek signed up to a training session.

Tue 23rd Jul at 9:55am

GG Online yoga with Paul Tuesday 9.55am

strengthen, stretch and relax the body

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Rachel Melinek
Rachel Melinek went on a group run

Tue 2nd Jul at 6:45pm

Goodgym Barnet fuelling fun and food in East Finchley

Barnet Report written by Paul Salman

What do you get when you mix nine eager GoodGym runners, a plot of land, and a historic charity? A wheelbarrow load of fun, fitness, and community spirit, of course!

Last night, on a gloriously warm summer evening with a few picturesque clouds, we set off on a mission to support the Finchley Charities. These good folks have been helping the community for over 500 years, primarily through their Armes houses, but also by nurturing an allotment that provides fresh food for the local food bank.

Our run was off to a dynamic start as we paused for a round of dropkick squats—because why not add some flair to our fitness? Then, onward we dashed, meeting up with Anton at the allotment. Anton gave us the lowdown on the Finchley Charities and led us through some very imposing gates. (Seriously, these gates were practically auditioning for a part in the next Game of Thrones season.)

With the gates behind us, we jogged through the lush allotments, making our way to the heart of the Finchley Charities site. Tasks were promptly dished out: some of us took on the heavy-duty job of wheelbarrowing mulch down to the bottom of the allotment to prep the area for visiting school kids. Others got down and dirty with some weeding and continued the epic quest of digging out an area for a new pond.

Time flew by as we dug, weeded, and mulched, and before we knew it, it was time to head back. We made our way back to the Phoenix Cinema for a well-earned warmdown.

A big shoutout to everyone who came out to run, work up a sweat, and do some good. in particular to our new runners.Michaela and James

Remember, every step we take and every task we tackle makes a difference. See you at the next run!

Keep running and doing good!

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Paul Salman

Wed 3rd Jul at 5:56am

Next session https://www.goodgym.org/happenings/goodgym-barnet-helping-a-local-primary-school-in-east-finchley-6c0eb597-35a7-430c-9f93-32e7d991bd4c?legacy=true do commit to helping our community again and get in some fitness and fun!

Rachel Melinek
Rachel Melinek went on a training session

Tue 2nd Jul at 9:55am

Dog tired ! Yoga for it at goodgym

Barnet Report written by Paul Salman

A few people came online to do yoga with GoodGym. Thanks for coming please leave any feedback and comments.

everyone was dog tired at the end!

Yoga talk If your wrists are hurting, Do think about adapting the position if possible going onto your elbows. (You could also think about going onto your fists as a change) Another technique that might help is to think about pushing your fingers down and gripping the mat more.( something I haven’t mentioned for awhile.) You could also think about using blocks to reduce pressure.

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Rachel Melinek

Wed 3rd Jul at 7:59am

I am setting up a business from home, a yoga session is a nice way to give energy to tackle the day. Yoga is also great for my flexiblity. All these benefits and no leaving the house!


Wed 3rd Jul at 11:53am

I enjoyed the session today as I implemented what I learnt in the last session - dolphin pose for the plank. A plank is just not attainable for me at the moment but resting on my elbows worked and I can build up endurance and strength in this position. Thanks Paul!

Rachel Melinek
Rachel Melinek signed up to a group run.

Tue 2nd Jul at 6:45pm

Rachel Melinek
Rachel Melinek signed up to a training session.

Tue 2nd Jul at 9:55am

GG Online yoga with Paul Tuesday 9.55am

strengthen, stretch and relax the body

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Rachel Melinek
Rachel Melinek went on a group run

Tue 25th Jun at 6:45pm

Running rings around it

Barnet Report written by Moya Malekin (she/her)

The Good Gym group tonight had a perfect activity for a balmy summers evening. Moya, Rachel and Beattie set off on a short run to the Long Lane Pasture Nature Reserve, a little paradise hidden in the back streets of East Finchley, and met up with Yesika and George and the crew from the reserve Donald, Maureen and Winston. A shout out for the snacks and water provided! Our first job was to fish out the life-ring which had found its way into the pond, which was a satisfying challenge aided by some maneuvering with a rake in the undergrowth. We then quickly 'snapped up' the shears and got to work snipping back overhanging brambles and branches so that the winding pathways were kept clear, and George with his professional gardening skills worked on clearing piles around the reserve. We could see some blackberries ready for ripening, and greenfinches, song thrushes and a moorhen kept us entertained with a chorus. We also spotted their bee hives at the end. Do visit this little haven if you get the chance.

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Rachel Melinek
Rachel Melinek signed up to a group run.

Tue 25th Jun at 6:45pm

Gardening at Long Lane Pasture (Nature Reserve)

improve the environment in our local area

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