Olesia Turkot


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Olesia Turkot
Olesia Turkot has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🎉

Wednesday 28th August

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Olesia Turkot has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Olesia is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Olesia Turkot
Olesia Turkot completed their first run in a new area. 🥳

Wednesday 28th August



Olesia Turkot completed their first run in a new area.

Curious? Olesia has just run their first session in another area. For that explorative spirit Olesia is awarded the scout badge. A Scout is trustworthy

Olesia Turkot
Olesia Turkot went on a group run

Wed 28th Aug at 6:45pm

4 GG Runners + 10 Hilton Staff = Big Group Session 😀

Woking Report written by Wayne

All Saints Church

A Big Welcome To Liv & Olesia And Their Colleagues From The Hilton Hotel Who Joined Us This Evening

This evening Nadia, Katie, & Julie met at WWF to run the 2k along the canal to the Church. While waiting a group of 10 Hilton staff appeared. Liv & Olesia & their fellow Hilton colleagues introduced themselves. The Hilton Hotel will be opening its doors on the 31st October and this lovely group joined us for tonights task 😀

The group ran along the canal to the church where they met Adrian who was delighted in seeing so many people and quickly got the group going with washing down walls and painting the ceiling on the upper level 🎨

Wayne arrived a little late from work and was shocked to see so many people. Wayne went over to the new members and introduced himself. Liv mentioned that they will be coming to regular tasks and love the idea of helping out in the community, Liv is also training for the Cardiff Marathon 🏃🏻‍♂️

Next week we are we are meeting at WWF and will be running to a property in Horsell to carry out a gardening task.

This Sunday if anyone is available to volunteer at Junior Park Run Please sign up. 😊

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Olesia Turkot
Olesia Turkot signed up to a group run.

Wed 28th Aug at 6:45pm
