0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
3 Month Streak
Mon 9th Sep at 6:45pm
Helping our local community with this important task
Read moreMon 19th Aug at 6:45pm
Brent Report written by Tabitha Skinner
On Monday evening Meg, Tabitha and Pete met in Willesden , and ran to Brent Mencap, where we were joined by Anne Mari and Tania. Brent Mencap is dedicated to supporting Brent residents with learning disabilities, and they have a beautiful garden for its service users, but the tool shed was in desperate need of a fresh coat of paint.
Our task for the day was painting this shed white. We started off with a quick sweep of the shed with the brooms, then poured out the white paint and got to work with our paintbrushes and rollers. We worked well as a team, and it was a very satisfying task to watch the shed transform before our eyes. We had almost finished and the rain decided to join us!
This made us more determined to complete the job and in no time at all, the shed was sparkling white and we packed up ready to go!
Great work everyone
Mon 22nd Jul at 6:45pm
Meg, Josh, Tabitha, Amir, Karen and Pete all met at Beer n Burger on a warm evening in Willesden. Tabitha led a warm-up then Josh led us on a run 2.1 km to Kilburn Grange Park to meet Ajay from Kinsgate Community Centre who filled us in on what to do and provided tools and gloves. Josh, Pete, Meg and Amir got to work with forks digging and turning soil in the open triangular bed while Tabitha and Karen weeded the rose garden, pulling out the bindweed. The diggers really dug it doing a forking good job all around the perimeter of the bed while Karen and Tabitha were knot in a bind, pulling out an enormous pile of bindweed. It was a good turn out and it turned out good. Then Amir and Tabitha dug up and re-planted the apple tree in the kids playground. A good job all round. Josh then led us on a run back to B&B where Karen led a cool-down, then we piled into B&B for refreshments ๐ ๐ปand a chat. Full run 4.2km and a good job for Kingsgate Community centre. See you next time โฒ๏ธ
Tue 23rd Jul at 12:16pm
Great report!
Wed 24th Jul at 9:56am
Looks so great! Thanks very much, Pete.
Mon 22nd Jul at 6:45pm
Helping our local community with this important task
Read moreMonday 1st July
Meg (She/her) has done their first good deed with GoodGym.
Meg is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.
Mon 1st Jul at 6:45pm
Brent Report written by Samina
Goodgym Brent met at Willesden, and welcomed first timer Meg to the group. We warmed up then ran 2.5km to Kingsgate to help sort out two roadside community planters.
We were equipped with gloves and gardening tools with which we trimmed the nettles, cut overhanging branches, and removed the weeds.
Josh handled the unwieldy loppers in a skilful pruning of the branches, and Tania, Karen, Tabitha, Pete, Beatriz, Meg and Samina also used their gardening skills to assist Ajay with plucking weeds, pulling out the stinging nettles and piling up the branches for collection.
There was a joyful interchange of gardening related encouragements amongst us, and we did a great job of clearing all the weeds. Some local residents stopped to thank us for the difference we were making .
We posed for a group photo then we ran back to the pub for some drinks and discussion of the summer social
Great job everyone!
Mon 1st Jul at 6:45pm
Helping our local community with this important task
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